
The war never changes. For humans that are as they now waited in their fortress gathering their forces while Pigmen mercenaries go out and fight the Green Menace, and hopefully exterminate it. For Orks war always changes as it always gets bigger and bigger.

At this moment every single Orks started to march towards umie stony hideout. Boss was still walking on foot as his Squig was still too small for him. This put him in a bad mood and in a state of wanting to clobber something with his new clobba.

The occasion, fortunately, happened midway to the umie hideout as the flock of hogs crossed the Ork way. First, they were surprised at seeing hogs that were walking on two legs. furthermore, they had chopas and stabas. One very Bossy and large Pig walked forward and screamed.

-Oi ya lot, who is yar boss! Iz got problem witz him. – Pig stood in the middle of the field and called the Ork army.

Boss walked forward and roared – Oi, im da Boss, ya got a problem wit me? – He walked and meet Pig Boss in the middle, who was twice as large as him.

-Iz heard there wuz sume green menace to foight but all I see is sum punny little trolls that are no match for uz Orks. – Said Pigmen and Laughed. – Also yar weapon iz puny too.

Ork(the proper green one) fell silent and readied their weapons for a fight and observed their surpassingly calm Boss who quietly stood and looked upward at the very BIG and most certainly very strong and fast Hog.

Pigmen this not register what was happening and kept yapping his mouth, and called one of the Pigmen with two axes and tooke them from him.- Ere you eve it. Dis be propa weapunz, and nut some puny clobba. Alzo my name iz Tusk Dragoneater cuz im da foightiest and giteist git there ever was. I eat dragunz for me lunch. Roigh boyz?! – He called his fellow hogs who also looked like very strong specimens. Hogs responded with roars and screams confirming their leaders might. – Wut happened to ya? Fear took yar tongue, ya can speak propa nuw?

-Nah, im not scared. Iz been thinking sumething nuw and yar yapping iz disturbing. Shut for a moment willa ya? – Boss responded to his adversary and kept staring at him for a second.

-Ya iz creepy, oi aint loik it. Whut ya staring at?

-Ya will make a foin roide. – Boss said his thoughts out loud and grabbed one of the gifted chopas.- This be fine choppa. – He threw it to the side like a trash.

Pigman wasn`t having any of it. He grabbed his great axes and raised them over his head. – I will kill ya!!! – He wanted to chop Boss into pieces but Boss was ready for it and jumped back as the axes hit the ground.

-Criocky, what feisty little one. Oy, boyz look at this fine hog ere. Itz gunna make me foine roide! – Boyz cheered for their boss and started to observe him carefully. Especially, the boyz that did not have a ride. Boss discarded his clobba by throwing it at the face of Pigman smashing his snout, helmet and part of his skull. As a result Pigmen that was leaning forward from the force of his swing fell forward face first. Boss walked to the hog and as per tradition only with his bare fists started the taming process of his new temporary raid. He was hitting left and right until the hog became fully tamed. When the process finished he sat on his new ride, put his clobba on his shoulder and posed for his boyz. Pigmens on the other hand were terrified of what they saw. They were trembling not knowing what to do as all the thinking was done by their boss.

Boss looked at them, then roared. – Alright boyz, lets show them what da real Ork iz! WAGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

He did not need to tell twice for boyz to charge! They smashed into Pig ranks and instead of chopping, slashing, and bashing they started catching the hogs. Hogboys instead of killing the additional hogs encircled the enemy preventing anyone from escaping.

When the catching of new rides ended and everyone was happy with the new hog and sometimes even with the new choppa the Ork WAGH walked forward to the umie stony hideout. They could not wait for the propa foight to start. Boss also wanted to test his new ride in combat too.