Stompy Stompa

Mauork sneaked thru the forest and headed for the secret tunnel where his boyz were. When he finally reached the entrance an idea came into his head. He asked himself why should he let umies even start escaping. So he decided to kill all umies that could potentially start escaping and if by chance he missed someone, he decided to steal some more of the umie kaboom powder and explode the tunnel. For additional fun he set the bomb just under the wall so it would collapse and surprise the umies. His boyz listened to his order and set off to accomplish them with very orky komandoes fervor, as every single ork komondoes loves to sneak, stab in the back, and set explosives.

Meanwhile Boss and the rest of WAAAGH prepared for the assault. They stayed just enough to be out of cannon range. Umies were for the surprise because the gaint Loba(Trebuchet) had almost double the range of umie cannons, and as soon as it was setup Mr. Nuthead started to lob every single solid object that was in his reach. At first, the aim was bad as he would shoot to far away or not far enough but after a few shoots, he got the gist of it and his accuracy was great, as he would hit the umie fortress ever in 3 out of 4 shoots.

Soon watching the loba became boring for Boss and the rest of the boyz. So Boss decided to go with the rest of the plan and gathered his strongest, meanest, and greenest boyz near the loba.

-Alright ya gitz. Az ay zaid. Iz wa cunt gent into umie hidout from da side or frum unda. Den wez gotta get there from da top.

-But, Boss? How iz we supposed to get up dere fro da top?

Boss did not answer but his smile scared the shit out of the boyz who slowly started to put things together and wanted to run away but it was too late as Squigoth blocked their escape path. Boyz did not know what was worse Boss or his pets so they gave up and followed Boss`s order as maybe then they would get some fight and a chance to survive.

Boss order to stand behind him, on log that was loaded to the loba. Then the grabbed each other hands and Mr. Nuthead lunched them towards the umie hideout. Boss pulled the Boyz to him so they formed a giant screaming ball.

This surprised the soldiers that were on the wall so much they weren't able to react when the Orks finally landed on the wall, albeit barely. Boss was first to stood up then the rest of the boyz, except one who was used as a landing gear.

-He, he. Landing with telemark I would say.- Bos said laughing and looked at nearby umies, then at his boyz. – So, what do ya say boyz? Wuz it fun? Den nuw wez got even more fun time. – Boyz stood up and readied for a fight.- Boyz, do ya know what toim iz did? It KRUMPING TIME WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHH

Ork started to WAAAGHH and charged the umiez killing them left and right. Soon after another batch of boyz came flying as they could not let others have all the fun. The grand landing of lobbying orks has just begun.

Mourk when he saw that Boss came flying immediately set off to light up the explosives. He managed to set up almost a dozen of barrels black powder that he sneaked out of the warehouse. When he was nearby the entrance of the tunnel he saw that a puddle of blood started to move in a weird pattern. As if something heavy was stomping on the ground. Then he saw it. A giant metal umie that was taller than some of the buildings. And it was going to the place where Boss was smashing umies.

-Oh zog, data in good. – He stopped sneaking and started to run even faster to the tunnel entrance but he was too slow, as giant stomping umie started to shoot his cannons.

- You are all in the presence of venerable price Leon of Leonidas Dynasty and his great armor Leonis. Prepare to die!!!