Another round

A few days had passed since that failed siege attempt, but Orks already forgot about it and with fresh enthusiasm prepared for the next fight.

Mr. Nuthead the chief Mekboy was nearing the completion of his masterpiece. A giant Trebuchet which he called a Big Loba. It was so big that it could lob things into the fortress from very far away. He achieved such magnificent results by simply using longer and thicker logs for the frame, and heavier weight, and thanks to the mysterious power of WAGHH, it worked perfectly fine. Mr. Nuthead also made a fascinating scientific discovery during the creation of his Big Loba.

Red things that he shoot were flying significantly faster than things that were not painted red. This as he further observed applied to boys when they were running. This particular effect was observed when a patient of Doctore Banzen Kidler was running away with a very bloodied body. This intrigued him so he immediately grabbed poor Ork and asked the Doc for help in a little experiment. After carefully listening, Doc happily agreed but also proposed that to improve the experiment, they should use more test subjects. Both Orks immediately went to work and started their scientific project named "Impact of redness of materials on their possible acceleration and maximum velocity in comparison to non-red materials." The results were astounding, furthermore, they also discovered that the color yellow makes things make a bigger splat effect when they fell from high heights. They decided they needed to immediately report this to their Boss as this information could be crucial in future fights.

Meanwhile when they were building and experimenting Boss was training by smashing trees left and right, some he even ripped from the ground. These feats of strength caused Orks to both fear him and love him. When the duo finally reached him he did not smash their heads as some would expect but simply sat on a log and listened carefully to their report, and he was very pleased. Doc was only slightly nervous because he completely forgot about his task of finding the best boyz for Boss but he decided to give Boss his test subjects since they were the toughest of the bunch as they survived his surgeries and medical treatments some were even vaccinated with snake poisons to make them stronger. Boss of course too was vaccinated as this was proof that something puny as a bite of some snake or other bug was nothing to him.

After the report, the Scientific duo was about to leave but the bush walked toward them. It was Mourok still in his camouflage. –Boss, iz found this. – He presented a jug of black powder.- Dis thingz iz wut dem umiez put in them boom logs and small boom sticks, and they be not lotz of them umies inside, but they be fightiest of them lot.

-Zog it Mourok, ya be sneaky git! – Doc jumped scared when two green hands holding a jug appeared out of thin air.

-Show this to me! – Mr. Nuthead grabbed the jug and started to sniff its contents. – How does this work?

-I don't know. They be putting some in a pipe, then they be putting stone inside pipe, and then they put some burny thing and it will go kaboom.

- Good, very Good, iz getting bored of smashing the woods. – Said Boss and stood up. – Now wez waiting for the rest of the boyz and we can start the fun. Mr Nuthead, iz ya fund something?

-Yah, Boss, Yeahh!!! Thiz thingz here be burend shroom(carbon), some squig shit(sulphur) and rotting shrooms (potassium nitrate). It's dried up and mixed. Boss, can I take it, iz got sume foin ideas.

-Yez ya can. – Boss nodded in approval, which caused Mekboy to jump in happiness and run towards his workshop.

Boss laughed – Oi, dunt forget to make me more of dat stuff ya git.

A few hours later Hogger returned with reinforcements. New Orks were smaller but a fight would cull the weaklings so only the best boyz would stay. Hogger also brought something interesting besides Ork boyz, namely a giant squig that was bigger than Boss. Squigoth when he saw that his Boss was riding on another mount became jealous and charged the Pig trampling trees boulders and other orkoids and chomped the Pig. Squigoth ate it in two bites crushing steel plates as if they were made from paper.

-Surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.- Said Boss with a smile and jumped at the back of his ride. – Now, iz toime for round two. WAAAAAAAGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Whole camp responded with WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHHH that could be heard in a whole forest and even deepest dungeons of the fortress where Maourk Commundoes were already waiting in anticipation.