Cultur enrichment

Oy, Iz not ded yet. Just lot of work and this makez me de`d tired. Enjuy! Iw ya have questiunz to Boss, ask em ere.


Digging the tunnel to the depths of the canyon surrounding the squat fortress took a lot of time and when the sky was barely visible.

-Zog that's a deep hole innit? – Said Boss while looking up.

-Boss looook ere!- One of the boyz called him showing him the dead remains of orks and stone doors on the other side of the canyon. There was a blue glow around them with tree motives on the sides and a crown in the middle.

The Boss looked at them for a minute since he saw the design somewhere but could not remember when. –Hmm I like the design but nor my color – Said Boss and smashed his clobba at them but too everyone's surprise he did nothing not even a scratch. – Hmm I loik tthem iven less nuw. Oi, bring me Yodak! – Legless and armless ork was quickly brought to the boss who took him by the rear end like a baseball bat.- Yodark, do some of that weird shit. – Yodark was scared and partially suspected what Boss wanted to do with him but did not dare to oppose him he only closed his eyes and tried to focus on something to do which resulted in a giant green fart.

-Boss! Nothing can I do wwerid these doors be. Maybe boom powder da job will do. – Said Yodark and saved his head from being used as a battering ram.

Mr. Nutthead hearing this smiled and brought a giant jar of boom powder and started to set it up. He dug up a small hole under the doors and stuffed it full. He took 3 steps back and lighted up the very short fuse. Before he took another step everything blew. The blasts throw him at the wall breaking all his bones. When the dust fell doors remained unscathed but rooks around them were destroyed this allowed Orks to enter a corridor behind them.

-Well this works too – Boss shrugged his arms and went into the corridor. – Oy is do not care how I wunt them looted. Long fingered Orks perked up. These were loota boyz, kleptomaniacs that would steal anything that wasn`t bolted to the ground, and sometimes even that wasn`t enough to stop them. Boss called them Magpies because once their loota nob failed to steal eggs of a magpie. Since that time they swore to be the lootiest gits in the waghh, and now they had the chance to prove it. So they went to work with great determination.

The rest of the Orks moved on and started to swipe thru the empty corridors of the squat fortress. Which went fairly well in the beginning but soon after they were spotted by a group of miners who run away in panic. This caused Orks a lot of laughs as stunties appeared to be cowards backing down from a fight. It took 2 days for the Squat army to arrive but they were quickly defeated since Orks weren't bothered by tight corridors and casualties, but still the fight was good and it only got them more excited to fight.

The bigger problem that squats weren't aware of was that Orks army was growing every second as small and humid places were perfect for Ork fungi to grow and green mold could be spotted already not even talking about ork tunnel which was already spewing hordes of squigs and snotlings.

Squat King was terrified of what had happened and ordered the evacuation of civilians from the lower levels butt, as usual, there were some assholes that believed they can coexist with OOrks and that their arrival will enrich their culture. So the prepared baned Orks Welcome and set off to meet their new guests.

This went well, and this indeed ended as enrichment.

Off Ork diet but mostly squig and fungi since there was something in these individuals that even Orks did not like the taste of.