I am an Orc and im digging a hole

When weapons finally arrived Orcs were happy and very enthusiastic about what was going to happen. Da Boss tried on some things but they were all a bit too small for him, even two-handed variants looked puny in comparison to his cloba. The messengers were happy that the beasts liked the delivery but once they heard what Boss was thinking their faces paled. Because Boss forgot where they were supposed to go according to the deal with the umies. All he remembered was something about north and south and all that saved was a pointy stick that fell pointing to the south. So south Orcs went.

To the south of Orkholt were mountains where according to umies very small umies lived but were tough, had lotz of shiny bits, and had good weapunz. Boss named them stunties or squats since they were of the height of a squatting umie. Oh, and they lived in caves inside the mountains.

Finding squats was not hard, only lotz of boyz died by falling from high places but it was all fun so no one gives a squig about this. After lotz of days searching for them, they finally found them inside their mountain fortress. There was giant gate made of steel, 2 towers and walls with lotz of stunties on them, and only one small road over a ravine that was wide enough only for 4 boyz to walk together side by side. Conquering that fortress for normal beings would be impossible, but not for Orcs. Orcs are not normal. As the first thing, they did was charge towards the gates and then fall into the abyss one by one. Then dwarves started to rain arrows on Orcs and even more started to die. Boss finally stopped this madness and told his boyz to come back but then stunties collectively started to laugh and taunt them but this did not provoke Boss into action, who just walked away.

Orcs made camp on a nearby mountain, allowing them to look at stuntie cave. Boss was thinking the whole night about how to krump the stunties. Well, he wanted but after 5 minutes he gave up and went to sleep thinking that after a good nap, his head would work better.

When he finally woke up he got a brilliant idea on how to conquer stuntie home. He immediately called the boyz and said.

-Alright, ya stupid gitz, iz now know haw to krump them stunties. Wez gunnnna dig down a hole and then when we dig down deep enuf to the bottom of tha big hole we will dig up from da other side.

-Boss what if we walked around da hole? – Asked one boy.

-Who said dat? Ehh? – Boss roared and searched for the offender, and when he finally found him he grabbed the stupid Orc and lifted him up in the air.- Ya stupid grot, how do ya want to walk around from da side if there is no end to the hole from left and right? And how do ya plan to find me a nice and shiny bridge like this one? Ya will need to dig a hole there too! – Boss roared and walked to the edge of the hole. – But since ya're so eager to find new things go down and tell me how deep that hole iz. – Boss released his grip and let the unfortunate Orc fall. To other Orks it looked funny and they started to throw grots and snotlings inside too. After a few minutes of fun Orks started to dig a hole, and contrary to what someone would think they liked it very much. They even started to sing a song –"I am ann Orcc and I'm digging a hole. Diggy diggy hole…. Thanks to this even solid stone made way for Orcy hole like soft sand.

Stunties watched this from their towers stunned and at a loss of what to do. They could not shoot Orcs as they were too far, and the sortie was out of the question since they would be seen from afar. But after a few days, all Orcs disappeared from the earth. Stunties thinking that Orcs gave up like everyone else celebrated not bothered with investigating Orc camp, and even if they did Mauork got a spark of genius and camouflaged the entrance to the hole with a big rock, so no one would suspect that under the rock is a giant tunnel made to invade stuntie kingdom.