CHAPTER Twenty-One


  I was over at Lola’s place for our sleepover, something we have not had the chance to do much because I believed I had to stay at home to keep my dad happy. Now, if I am not there he can’t get me, right

  “I am glad we are finally doing this,” Lola smiled.

  “Me too! Sorry, it took so long,” I said.

  “It is OK,” she said, “Maybe one day you will tell me the reason,” she added.

  “I promise I will, one day, but when I am ready and we are away from this damn town,” I said.

  Lola and I were planning on applying to the same Colleges, and getting a place together once we have graduated. When we do that, then I will tell her everything.

  “I know you will,” she said, giving me a one-arm hug.

  She is such an amazing best friend. She knows that even though I don’t tell what is going on, it doesn’t mean I don’t trust her, in fact I trust the girl with my life.

  “Now let’s get into our PJS and watch ‘Never been kissed’, ” I said, smiling brightly at her.