(Saturday the 16th of August)

Maryam's POV

"Morning" I heard a distant sound coming forms far away, where am I?

"Maryam" she called out to me, the voice sounded familiar but I wasn't able to tell who's the voice it is.

"What's wrong with you? You've been asleep for the whole day are you okay?"I heard the voice loud and clear this time it was Divine and what was she talking about I just took a short nap, it was not up to an hour I'm sure.

I slowly opened my eyes and I was met with a rather disturbing view, it was morning again but that was just a small portion of my worries as my glass was all crooked and almost broken, I quickly sat up and removed it from my face as I whipped my eyes with my palm as I looked at Divine's blurry shocked face as I tried to concentrate on her.

"What happened?" She asked

I rubbed my hands on my glass as I tried to adjust its hands as I wore it back "oh! Nothing I just slept maybe I was tired" I said as I shrugged off my shoulders.

"That's all nothing else," she said in a louder tone as if she wanted to yell at me but she couldn't.

"Yep," I said as I sighed falling back on my bed.

"Aren't you going to freshen up before breakfast? Aren't you hungry?" She did care about me and I don't think I would ever understand why she does, because everything I do always seem to affect her moods and emotions someway.

"Not really" Now that was a big lie come to think of it am famished.

I decided to get up and freshen up myself before breakfast, I just had to because I might have slept the whole day but that doesn't stop me from smelling like an unkept pig.

I began to drag my leg across the bed and for some reason it was heavier today, what happened? Gonna a normal day I would have been up with this strength but today I can barely move my legs.

"what's wrong?" She finally noticed my struggles as she saw me leaning over to one side of my body but I wasn't moving.

"Are you okay?" She asked as she came towards me.

"Am fine, I just can't move my legs?" I said as I finally gave up and sat back up.

"Maybe it was because you slept all day," she said as she left the room, maybe she went to get the wheelchair who knows?

"But this hasn't happened since I got home just yesterday, what happened yesterday?" I questioned as I stared into the universe.

What happened? I began to rack my brain until finally.

"Stay put" she came closer as she took up my skirt which was a bit above my knee as she rubbed a whitish paper-looking substance on me, oh! wait it was a hospital swap.

She then went ahead and decapitate the needle as she placed her hand closer to my thigh "it will only hurt a bit" before she slowly pressed the needle into my skin and released the injection's content into my body. 

"It was her, it could have been her," I said in a low tone.

"Who? It was who?" Divine asked as she wheeled the chair over to me.

"Nothing," I said in my poor attempt of dismissing the discussion.

"don't tell me you took the shot from that nurse?" for some reason she was chatty today, why was she in a good mood, that aside she knows. How comes?

"What?" I pretended not to hear what she said initially even if I did clearly.

"You took the shot from the nurse right?" She asked again

"Yeah, was I wrong?"

"Well it was coming for you anyways, my advice is don't take it again that is if you're interested in walking again," she said with a cold tone, no emotions whatsoever.

"Why?" I questioned

"Huh, all these days you've been here you still haven't gotten the clue right? I hope you do soon because things are going to get even messier" she said as she lent me a hand as helped me get on the wheelchair.

"Just one day I decide to take a break from all these dramas, look at the damages that have happened"I heard her utter under one breath in a very low tone, I knew she wasn't hoping for me to hear her but I did anyways, what damages because it seems like many other things happened apart from my leg.

She helped e get to the bathroom as she waited outside.

"Knock" I heard on the bathroom door "I would be going to get you breakfast, take care," she said as she left, it was an awkward conversation as she felt so cold towards me her mood had an instant switch.

"Okay" I replied even knowing fully well that she was no longer there.

What exactly was going on in this house? I quickly finished my business as I wheeled myself back to the main section of the bedroom but I couldn't help but wonder if it was the injection that affected me this way and if it was why would the nurse give me something that wasn't good for my health, why would she want to harm me, why would anyone want to harm me? I sat there looking for answers but none came and I couldn't just drive into a solution like this I have to do some research maybe the former me was a bad person, but how bad can someone be to you for you to want them dead, not dead but paralyzed permanently now I don't know much about you but paralysis for me is the same as death because in both aspects you're useless just that one your alive and the other your not.

Why is all this happening to me?