Muhammad's POV

Sunday the 18th of August.

*Alarm noises* I heard the sound of my alarm as it rang in my drawer making a loud noise.

"Aaa* I sighed as I switched off the alarm and turned to the other side of my bed in an attempt to make myself comfortable, today was Sunday so I don't have anything to do so I think am good and I can continue sleeping all day for all I care, with that I closed my eyes again as I tried to look for the sleep position as I rolled around on my bed.

*phone ringing sound*

" what could it be now? Who could be calling at this time?" I said as I picked up my phone from the drawer, the time was six am so why would anyone be calling by this time? It was too early, it was also a strange number "I won't pick" I uttered to myself as I dropped the phone down on my dresser.

"What if it was an emergency?" My subconscious mind countered me, and it was right if it was so kind of emergency. I picked up the phone again for the second time as I decided to pick up to call to know what the situation was, or at least know why the caller was calling me at this odd hour of the day.

"Hello," I said as I swiped the screen of my phone upwards as it connected the calls.

"Hello, Good morning" The person on the other side of the call responded.


"How's the family and everyone?" The woman asked, She did exactly what manners demanded, at least for this side of the world but I don't have this number saved on my phone so maybe it was someone I was familiar with but the voice did not ring any bell.

"They are all fine, excuse me but who is this?" I answered.

"Oh! Sorry" she paused as she took what seemed to be forever before she answered "it is Miss jane" she replied.

"Miss jane?" I questioned to be sure, won't think I know any miss jane in my life.

"Yes sir" she replied.

"Am sorry I don't think I know anyone by that name"

"No you don't, I saw you on a station the other day, giving some fake news about that girl and I wanted to understand why you decided to tell all those lies on national television," she said, I could hear the panic in her voice as she spoke slowly in a low tone, what was going on? Why did she just jump to a conclusion about the news I gave? It was facts for all I knew.

"Am sorry ma, but you must be wrong" I stated, I know for a fact we don't air news unless they have been verified from reliable sources so what was she talking about and which news, in particular, did she have a problem with.

"Wrong? What do you mean by that?" I could hear it now, she was sobbing not too you'd for me to hear but it was all in her voice and the tone she speak.

"What exactly are you talking about?" I wanted to be sure she had the right person, who knows she might be onto the wrong reporter, who knows.

"The case of the missing girl" I felt my heart sink as she mentioned the topic, I don't even know why but all of a sudden I began to feel eyes all over me as I stood up from my bed to switch on the bulb.

"What about it?" I wasn't still sure she knew what she was talking about, I mean we spoke to a nurse and even had an interview with the head medical director so what was she saying?

"Everything, why do you choose to spread falsehood to the poor masses?" I could hear it now her sobbing was becoming louder.

"You have lost me here, you mean the news was fake?"

"Yes" she had this powerful aura and I could feel it from my phone, there is more to this story than what caches the eyes I suppose.

"Now what makes you so sure, do you have proof?" Yes, the most important piece of information it could make a guilty person go free and get the innocent in trouble and we reporters always try to make sure that our news is credible so what's with all these accusations?

"I do have some"

"So what exactly are you trying to counter, what on the news do you think is false?"

"Everything like I said earlier" she was not going to budge I could feel it, whatever she beloved in she had strong reasons to and she was not going to let them go so easily.

"Well, I am off duty today so you can make your way to the firm tomorrow being Monday with all your evidence and we would see to it" I decided to follow company protocols which were to direct everything to them but I don't know something about this story was sketchy from the beginning.

"Why do you want me to do that?" She seems interested in the decision I made well it was a company rule for old news, and if they found out about this my job would be on the line.

"It is company policy, besides the news you are complaining about it all belongs to the station and they can do whatever they like, make me tell the truth or a lie all am there for is to do my job and get paid nothing more besides they don't pay me for that," I said as I disconnected the call it was taking too much of my nap time.

I switched the lights back of as I felt chills running down my body, as I plugged my phone for it to charge as I went back to my bed to continue sleeping.

What exactly was she looking for? It seems I was the one she wanted to talk to but where did she get my number, thoughts like this kept flooding my mind as I tried my best to block them as I covered my body with my blanket closing my eyes and waiting for sleep to come to take me away from all these dramas.