
Getting to the door, she saw Vivian who offered her a sweet smile.

"I forgot to tell you. By exactly 9:00 a meeting will be held tomorrow. You and the other princesses must be there. I'll come to pick you up myself."

Vivian said the sweet smile still on her face.

"Um, okay. Thanks"

Cecilia replied.

"Great, would you like to eat before the meeting or after"

Vivian asked her.

"Before please"

Cecilia replied.

"Okay then, sleep well"

Then Cecilia shut her door and went back to bed. She thought about her sisters and how they'd be coping.

"Am sorry girls, just be fine till I return"

She whispered as if they were with her.

Then she closed her eyes to sleep.


Cecilia was already dressed the next morning in a sky-bluish short gown.

The gown had a thin hand hereby showing a fair share of her shoulders and neck.

The fried crab had already been sent to her and she had eaten it to her satisfaction.

All she was doing was waiting for Vivian to come to pick her up.

Minutes later, Vivian knocked.

"Good morning Miss, let's go"

She said and without wasting time, they both left.


Vivian led her to a door and then stopped.

" Go inside, they must be waiting for you"

And with that, she left her.

Cecilia gulped staring at the large door.

Gathering her courage, she pushed the door open with her little delicate fingers to see 13 other girls inside standing.

Immediately she came in, all eyes turned to her.

The other girls stood horizontally in a straight line.

Looking further, she saw a beautiful blonde with a crown on her head and a guy sitting close to her.

He had light brown hair and purple eyes.

"Am sorry for not coming ea---"

Cecilia tried to apologize but was quickly shunned.

" And so what, anyways, it's expected from a villager like you."

The blonde princess said as she scoffed at Cecilia.

Cecilia's eyes immediately darted to someone by the princess's side.

It was another guy but this one looked different.

He had a menacing look on his face.

And a devilish grin on his lips.

His red eyes darted at everyone in the room one after another as if he was observing them.

Well, wasn't he?

"I know you all know why you're here, but for the villager, she seems lost."

The princess started.

"I am the crowned princess of this castle, and my brother King Jacob is in search of a wife"

She smiled looking in the direction of the purple-eyed guy.

"Not just a wife"

She continued

"A queen, a soulmate, someone to spend the rest of his life with. So I stepped in. I am Princess Linda."

And on saying that, all the princesses bowed except Cecilia. She didn't expect the sudden bow.

"And you, you're too big to bow right, huh?"

The princess asked looking at Cecilia like she was a piece of shit.

"Am sorry, I didn't expect it" Cecilia said now bowing her head.

"Better, now, it was supposed to be 14 princesses but unfortunately, I say again, unfortunately, this peasant managed to pick the ticket up by mere luck. But that's not a problem. At least every three days, or every week, 2 people would be eliminated."

Hearing this a bright smile painted Cecilia's beautiful face.

'Yes, all I have to do is get eliminated, then I'll go home'

Her little action was only noticed by one in the room. The one with the Vampire like red eyes