
Her eyes couldn't even believe what it was seeing.

She only heard of it but had never seen or entered one.

When it landed, the ground shook, and a girl probably the same age as Cecilia alighted from it.

Her shoulders raised in pride as she stared at the guards and maids like nothing but her foot rug.

Immediately the guards and maids bowed down to her and she was led into the magnificent building.

"Good evening Miss"

A woman at least age 42 greeted Cecilia

"Good evening ma'am" Cecilia replied.

"Am sorry for keeping you waiting, actually I was busy, let me lead you to your room."

The woman said as she walked ahead of Cecilia.

"Won't I be staying here?"

Cecilia asked the lady noticing she wasn't leading her to the magnificent building.

"I am afraid not. You know, you're not a princess, I thought you'd already figured it out. You were dropped here with a medium qualified carriage and the other princesses were dropped with helicopters. They'll be enjoying special privileges that you won't be enjoying. I don't mean to sadden you but, it's just the truth. Come on, it's getting late"

Cecilia nodded without saying a word. She kind of expected it.

After about 10 minutes of walking, they finally got to another building, she noticed they kept taking several turns until they got there.

This building was painted Green unlike the other one which shone like gold, this one had a moody feeling attached to it.

"This is your quarter, I'll be taking you to a room in here, that's where you'll be staying."

The lady kept on walking with Cecilia following behind.

"Here we are, your very own room, we've already served you what you'll be eating tonight. Please enjoy, if you need me, um, I might not always be there and I made sure you won't need me. Everything is ready for you. There is a Bathroom, a toilet, a little dressing room, a wardrobe full of clothes, garters, underwear, and everything you'll need to wear.

So please be comfortable, if there's any announcement to make, I'll come to you personally. Aha, and before I forget, my name is Vivian.

I have to hurry now as am needed somewhere else.

Good night"

The woman said all this with a smile and without waiting left Cecilia alone.


Cecilia gingerly walked into the room. It was big, yes, big.

"Wow, I wonder how their rooms would be. Those enjoying special privileges"

She said and she laughed


She exclaimed as she jumped on the bed. It was quite big, no what was she saying, so big for her petite body.

Her stomach growled.

Standing up from the bed, she noticed at the other end of the room was a wooden chair and table, and on the table, the fruit salad was served together with juice.

"What, how am I expected to cope with just this, fruits? God, I rather not eat than annoy my already annoyed stomach."

She grumbled looking at the food angrily.

"Am not gonna take my bath. I'll just sleep, but I hope hunger doesn't kill me in my sleep."

As she was about to go to her bed, she heard a knock on her door.

Who could it be