
"Let them be, now, I picked up that cursed envelope by mistake. I promised not to leave them alone but now__"

She tried explaining but was interrupted by her tears.

"Like we care, get your lazy arse into that carriage or they both die. AND I MEAN IT"

He said stressing the last words.

Even though she tried reassuring herself that it wasn't true, she couldn't as her brain was a total mess.


Jolting out from her thoughts, she heard Carrie scream with blood oozing out her mouth.

"Please, I'll go, let them go please," she said as she started to make her way towards the carriage.

"Good, things could have been easier from the beginning, Jack, Eru, take her to the castle. We'll join you guys soon.

"Move girl"

One of the guards said slightly pushing her before she finally got in.

Immediately after she got in, two guards hopped in, making the carriage shake a bit.

And the carriage started.

There was no window she could look through except two tiny holes and that wouldn't help her see her sisters.

Slumping on the chair, she allowed the tears she had been holding flow.


"Wake up, and get out"

The voice woke her up.

Opening her eyes, she noticed she was at the castle already.


She whispered but before she could even get to admire it so well, she was pushed out of the carriage.

All the guards looked at her with disgust, was this how all the princesses were being treated, or was it because she was a village girl?

Her stomach churned in the need for food, she left so early in the morning to the media house that she didn't eat. Looking up, the sky had darkened.

"It's night already"

She mumbled.

Due to the carriage already in the castle, she turned around in awe.

She was standing in front of a magnificent building. It almost seemed like it was made of gold. It glittered alongside the moon.

She could see some guards and maids trooping in and out of the building.

Looking around her, she could see the guards still looking at her with disgust.

"Hey man, see how she's so lost"

"Yeah, it must be her first time seeing something so magnificent. What do you expect when you come from a poor home"

The other guard smirked

"But, she looks pretty though"

Another one said licking his lips and looking at her lustfully.

"Shut up else you want to die, the king agreed for her to take part, it won't be good if we mess up with her."

"Do you think the king did agree, he seems not to care about anybody or anything.

Despite the gossip, Cecilia was still dumbstruck.

Soon, it was almost like the area she stood on was shaking.

No, it was shaking

And then she saw it, it was a helicopter