Six feet below us

The media owner was silent for a few seconds, before he finally replied, " I can see, and I've sent it. In twenty minutes it should have gotten to the royal family. But don't worry, I doubt it. Come on, even if it's real you can sell it to some other princess, or the rightful owner" he laughed awkwardly at the last statement.

Cecelia was a little shocked, " Are you saying it might be true? ' she grabbed his hand anxiously, her heart pounding, " Please tell me sir, do not deceive me and tell me the truth " she was panicking now, her face twisted in apprehension.

" Uh, to be sincere I think it's true. The golden seal is from the royal family or the royal family. But you need to calm down first. Go to work and I'll get back to you" he replied, patting her softly on the shoulder.

" Alright, thank you, sir," she said anxiously, " I'll be leaving now" she added, picked up her small bag, and exited the media house

As she walked away, the media man stared at her sagged shoulders and let out a ragged sigh, " poor girl" he muttered, " Just pray someone buys it, or else you're gonna go contest to be the queen " he rubbed his temple.

" That is every girl's dream anyway " he added again, smiling as she turned a corner and disappeared.

Cecelia did hear him murmur something, but she was too busy panicking to make out the exact words...


Cecelia got to her shop and began working. She thought it would take her mind off things, but she couldn't concentrate at all. She had two dresses to make and if she continued like this she would only end up ruining the dress.

" Graaaah" she grunted, feeling frustrated, " I think I'm coming up with a headache. I'm sure I'm just overthinking all of this " she added trying to calm herself down.

She placed a palm over her forehead and sighed. She couldn't stop thinking about it, and the headache was only getting worse no matter how hard she tried.

It was past three when she decided to lock up and head home. She clutched her pounding head and went home. As she approached home, she sighted people in front of her house. The place was crowded.

" What is going on?" She burst into a run.

On getting to her door, she saw some armed men standing there. One of them turned to her, giving her a once over

" Do you live here?" He asked. He was a tall and skinny guard that looked at her with displeasure.

" Yes," she replied.

" Good. You almost took forever. Not get into the carriage, we are going to the castle" he ordered.

" I don't understand" she took a step back, " the letter said three days, right?" She looked around for Dan but couldn't find her.

Where is she? Inside the school? Yet to be back from school? Cecelia asked here.

" Miss. I'm advising you to get into the carriage now" the mean guard motioned at one just by the side of the house, " and I hate to repeat myself" his eyes narrowed on seeing her unmoving.

She was alarmed.

"I... I look and smell bad. At least let me have a shower and I'll be back, please" she tried to reason with them, but she could see they were not buying it as the mean guard approached her.

Her defense instincts kicked in, and she made to run when his next words had her pausing, " Fine, go and they both go six feet below us"

She turned around to see the other guard that has just spoken. She hadn't seen them before, and she stared in horror.

She blinked several times to be sure that her eyes were not deceiving her.

Both Dan and Carrie were held down by other guards, guns pointed directly at each of them.