Don't call me Ceci

"You'll help me?"

She asked scrutinizing him.

He wasn't putting on the clothes of a guard, if the princess didn't introduce the purple-eyed guy as the king, she'll have placed her bet on the guy standing before her.

Not only was he damn good-looking, but he also carried the aura of a King or even better.

He noticed how she looked at him, her brows furrowed.

"I said I can help you leave this place. Take you outside, then you can go to your room"

He said with a voice that sent chills down her spine.

Though he wasn't threatening her, she felt scared just looking at him.

"Why would you help me, the others in the castle don't like me or even want to help me"

She said her brows furrowed.

Why did he just show up to help her?

"Are you deaf or just naturally stupid?"

He asked her, his face looking at her with utmost displeasure.

"I said I could help, I didn't say I was going to help you. I still don't know if you're a spy in this castle, it doesn't make sense how you got the ticket"

He said staring into her eyes like he was trying to suck her soul out of her.

All he wanted to do was to irk her.

"I don't need your trust, not like it's going to help out of this situation. And how do I trust you, you just show up from nowhere and want to help me? How do I know your intentions are pure?"

She asked looking at him for a reply.

The next she heard was a hearty chuckle that made her shiver in fear.

It reminded her of the books she read when she was younger that talked about how the Devil laughed.

Unknowingly to her, the laughter got her shivering.

"My, What a scared little bunny. Okay, let's be formal. What is your name?"

He asked with eyes that were almost piercing her.

"Am Cecilia"

She replied trying to calm herself down.

"Ceci, I am--"

He tried replying but Cecilia stopped him.

"No, don't call me Ceci am Cecilia"

No one had ever interrupted him when talking or even tell him what to do.

If she knew who he was, would she retort like that?

But this girl seemed like someone who feared no one.

This further piqued his interest in her as a smirk broke on his lips.

"Forgive me"

He said the smirk still on his lips.

Was that his way of saying sorry?

She sighed waiting for him to introduce himself.

"Am the princess's guard. Nice meeting you Cecilia"

He said with the smirk still on his face.

"Your name?"

She asked furrowing her brows.

What was he thinking?

'Oh, that explains why he was with the princess. Her personal guard'

She thought.

Before she could even get to reply she could see the princess approaching them.

"Flirting around with my guard. How shameless. Please come with me"

The princess said without sparing her another glance.

And without further ado, he followed the princess.