Gouge out your horrible eyes

"Miss, I apologize for not coming on time. Am the butler of this household, I have to go everywhere and inspect the housekeepers to see if they are doing well. Please come with me"

She saw Vivian who bowed her head.

She didn't know if Vivian bowed her head out of regard or because she was sorry.

"It's fine"

Cecilia said as she bit her lip.

"Let's go"

She added and Vivian led the way.


"What were you doing with her, flirting on the first day? No wonder you didn't oppose the idea of bringing her as a contestant"

Linda said looking at the red-eyed man


Without even looking at her, he turned his back and started walking in the opposite direction.

Then all of a sudden, he halted.

"Linda, watch what you say to me. Next time, you'll leave me with no other option but to gouge out that horrible eyes of yours."

And with that, he left.

His voice echoed in her head and without even realizing it, she gulped, her eyes fluttering continuously.

Taking a deep breath to slow down her heartbeat, she walked in the opposite direction.


Cecilia was led to her room.

It was a silent walk-through.

But she didn't even care as her mind was occupied with ways to get herself eliminated soon so she could join her sisters.

She knew she wouldn't qualify because she had no qualities of a village girl.

Sighing, she stepped into the room, and then for the first time in minutes, she heard Vivian speak to her.

The voice startled her at first as she forgot Vivian was even with her.

"Your food is served, miss"

Vivian said smiling at her.

And before waiting for her to respond, Vivian left her.

Cecilia rolled her eyes as she slumped on the bed tired.


The day passed by so fast.

That night, Vivian came to inform Cecilia of the next day's event.

The 14 princesses would be going on hunting and whoever killed the highest animal wins.

She was only briefed on what to wear and when to get prepared.
