
The next morning, Cecilia put on a short blue gown with a strap fastened to the waist.

Vivian told her the last night to put on something relaxing.

She tied her hair into a loose bun making strands of her hair fall here and there.

"Am ready"

She sighed and then waited for Vivian to come to pick her up.

In less than 10 minutes, Vivian came to her room.

She was led to somewhere that looked like an open field.

She saw 6 of the princesses there, all dressed in tight and fitting clothes.

' Now I look odd'

She internally scolded herself.

Before she knew it, some of the other princesses started coming in.

And soon they were complete.

Princess Linda cleared her throat and began her speech.

"Good morning all, am sure you've all been briefed on today's event"

She greeted then quickly moved straight to the point.

" But before I continue, bow to your king" she demanded pointing at the purple-eyed guy.

He wore his royal robe, a smile adorning his face as he stood at the princess's right side.

And on her left side, the guard from yesterday stood.

She gulped upon seeing him.

Even though he wasn't staring at her or even speaking, she felt intimidated.

Then she tore her eyes away from him.

"Today would be a hunting contest between you princesses and the pauper and the end there"

She said now referring to Cecilia.

At the mention of the pauper, Red eyes finally stared at the princesses until he saw her.

Remembering her confidence from the day before and how she interrupted him, a little smirk appeared on his face...

Her head was low, she accepted the fact that she was nothing but a village girl, unlike the other princesses who had their shoulders high.

"My bodyguard right here, Zach, would be accompanying you to make sure you are safe"

The princess continued.

'So his name is Zach '

Cecilia said within her mind then turned he head to look at him.

She gasped as she also found him looking at her.

She blinked her eyes severally but his eyes didn't falter.

She then gulped and tore her eyes from him.

' I'll wait for five seconds then check again. 5...4....3...2...1...'

Cecilia said in her mind and upon raising her head again, she found him still staring at her, but this time around, he had a look on his face.

Instead of his face being blank as usual, it felt like he was watching something entertaining.

It was almost like when kids watched a cartoon, they find it amusing...

'No, does he find me amusing? Am no cartoon. What am I even thinking?'

She asked herself.


He looked at her face and before he knew it she caught him staring.

Even though they were a bit far, he could hear her heart racing.

'What's wrong with this girl?'

He asked himself still staring at her.

'Is it a bad thing to be caught staring?'

Then he saw her move her head down, and seconds later, she pulled her head up and stared at him again.

'How interesting, alright then, it's a staring competition'

He said giving a brief smirk, his face painted with amusement.