He's so kind

The reason Jacob picked Cecilia was that he was interested in how she got the ticket.

Princess Linda who once had a smile on her face now had a furious look.

"Brother, it's the village girl you're talking to. Look at the other princesses"

She said looking at Cecilia very aggravated.

"I know Linda. Are you challenging the decision of the king?"

He asked still looking at Cecilia.

"No your sovereignty. Please forgive my manners. My guard will lead the way"

She said pressing her lips together realizing she had gone too far.

Cecilia watching all of this couldn't help but be happy.

The princess had been targeting her since the very first day she met her.

But then something occurred to her.

'If I go on hunting with him, does that mean I skip the elimination? But illy been long since I hunted. Once won't hurt right, am sorry Dan and Carrie. I might take a bit too long '

"Come with me, we will be going with my horse."

She heard the king say to her.

Gulping, she took his hand allowing him to take the lead.

Soon they got to a quiet part of the castle where she could see a royal blue horse with long White hair.

"Can you climb?"

He asked her softly.

Even though she couldn't climb, she nodded positively.

She placed one of her legs still trying to be composed.

But immediately she tried putting her second leg, she fell.

"So sorry"

She heard Jacob say, his face looking apologetic.

"It's fine, it's not your fault, your majesty"

She said dusting her clothes.

"No, I should've caught you. Your fall took me unaware"

He said his face looking apologetic.

She gulped without even realizing that a smile had spread on her lips.

'How's he even a king. He's so kind'

Her heart warmed up at his kind gesture.

Without even waiting for her reply, he held her waist and led her on top of the horse.

"Thank you, your majesty"

She said almost whispering.

Then he climbed too but made sure to keep their distance as he didn't want to make him uncomfortable.


He said and the horse began moving.

Soon, they got to a deeper part of the forest and they both alighted.

"The others would be here soon, so don't fidget"

He said calmly.

Then she sighed and nodded.

"Am curious, how did you get the ticket?"

He finally found the right time to ask.

"Is that why you decided to go with me?"

She asked innocently pressing her lips together.

She had a gut feeling that the king wouldn't just want to go with her for no reason.

He gulped looking at her, how did she find out?

Were villagers always this smart?

"It would be rude to ignore your question, your majesty. I got it by mere luck"

Then she explained everything that happened till she got to the castle.

"Am sorry, it was the queen who demanded that you should be picked up with a carriage. If I knew earlier, I would have pleaded for you to be picked with a helicopter. I mean, princess or no princess, we should all be treated equally right?"

He asked looking at her with a smile on his face.

The queen?

There was a queen in the castle?

Then where was she????

It seems like there was more mystery in the royal household than what the eye could see.