Cure arousal

She gasped noticing that he wasn't planning to let her go soon.

Her chest rested on his bare skin.

His big arm around her waist and he just pressed their bodies together.

She felt something, well, she couldn't explain it as it was her first time experiencing a sensation like that.

"Why are you looking at me that way?"

She asked him.

"What way? Lustfully?"

He asked her his face now back to being blank.

Realizing how intimate their positions were, she tried pleading for him to release her, but before she could open her mouth to speak, his arm loosened.


His voice got her shivering at first, but then she took the opportunity and left his body.

He kept on looking at her and she felt uncomfortable.

Turning her back, she saw that no one even had their time, the wind was just too disturbing.

Even the king was trying to lock the windows.

Then just as sudden as the wind came, the window shut itself mysteriously.


Princess Linda sighed.

"Princesses, please retire to your rooms. We apologize deeply for everything"

Princess Linda apologized. Then the princesses began to leave one by one, that included Cecilia.


Later that day, he walked in the direction of his room.

Getting to the room, he moved to his bath.

Pulling his shirt, he could still feel her scent linger on it. Remembering the earlier event and how she tried wriggling herself on him, he began to arouse.


He cursed as he ran his hand through his hair.

Her scent, everything was beginning to intoxicate him.

"Vivian, Vivian"

He screamed and Vivian ran into his room without even looking at him.

"Get me Nicola immediately"

He groaned almost like he was in pain.

"Ok my Lord"

Then saying that she scurried away.

Nicola got into the room before 3 minutes.

"You called for me my Lord"

She bowed her head, a sly smile on her face.

"On the bed now"

He ordered.


It was already evening, a figure could be seen visiting the king's quarters.

Getting to the king's room, he didn't even bother to knock.

He entered.

"Zach, what is it? I received your letter and you said it was urgent"

The man said with a smile.

"Sit Blaine. Do you have a medicine that can cure arousal?"

Zach asked his face void of any emotion.

"I can't believe you're asking me this Zach. What happened to Nicola and all the maids you usually have your way with?"

Blaine asked with a confused expression.

"I have been with Nicola for about 5 hours now. She even passed out during the process. I've returned her to the servants' quarters."

Zach said running his hand in his hair.

"Then go with other maids. Okay, I have a lot of them at my house. All sizes, different colors, different tas...."

Blaine replied but got interrupted by Zach.

"Rubbish. If it was so easy, I wouldn't have called you over"

Zach said.

"Interesting, but you know am a curious one, how did it get to the point where 5 hours cannot even help? I know you have incredible stamina but?"

Blaine asked curiously.

"I don't know."

Zach explained what happened to leaving Cecilia's name out of it.

"Hmm, a contestant, let me take a guess, she's been the one amusing you. I'll like to meet her you know"

Blaine said with a smirk.

Zach ignored him.

"Anyways, I think I have a cure. I'll just go get it for you. But next time, the best way to get rid of such arousal is to be with the one that caused the arousal. Give me a minute, I'll be back"

And with that, he disappeared into thin air.


Cecilia got to her room earlier with the help of Vivian and slumped on her bed.

Shivers were still running down her spine.

Was it true? Was he looking at me lustfully?

She wondered.

But soon a blush escaped her face remembering how he pressed their both bodies together, his hoarse voice.

She gulped hard as her lower abdomen started reacting in a funny way it had never done before.

Grunting, she went to her bathroom and put on the shower. To have a lovely bath, thinking it could wash away everything that happened.

But no, it didn't.

Sighing, she came out of the bathroom dressed in her pajamas.

This whole contest was boring, if only she could make dresses.

Not too long after, she heard a knock on her door.

Getting to the door, she saw Vivian who had a smile on her face.

"Your dinner Milady"

Vivian said still smiling at Cecilia.

"Thank you, umm, I wanted to ask, you know, am a fashion designer, can you get me some materials and tailoring equipment? Am so bored"

She said trying to be composed even though she was nervous.

"That won't be a problem Milady, I'll be back"

Vivian said and left.

Cecilia's joy knew no bounds. She was so happy that she couldn't eat.


He was taking a stroll in his quarters when he saw Vivian approach him.

"Your majesty"

She greeted, her head bowed.

"What is it?"

He asked her.

"It's Lady Cecilia, s...h..she, said she wants tailoring materials claiming she's bored"

She said shivering.

His lips twitched for a moment in amusement before he spoke.

"Give it to her"

"Yes your majesty"

She was about to go when she heard his voice.

"Report back to me, whatever she does, or wherever she goes to in details"

She nodded her head and then she scurried away.


In less than an hour, Vivian was back with some materials and tailoring equipment.

Cecilia got to work immediately.

She missed her work a lot.

She stitched from 9:00 to 5 a.m.

Her eyes were already swollen due to lack of sleep and at exactly twenty-five minutes past five, she yawned and caved into sleep