My sexy Seductress

Minutes past seven, she got up and rubbed her eyes.

Going to her bathroom, she took her bath, then checked herself in the mirror, she noticed her eyes were swollen because she didn't have enough sleep...


She sighed. She loved sewing to the point where she didn't even know when morning came. She thought it was still night.

After having her bath, she dressed in a skimpy knee black skirt and a red top.

She let her hair down as she was so exhausted to even style it.

Vivian hadn't come with her food. She wondered why. Maybe it was too early, she shrugged her shoulders.

Remembering Zach, her face flushed.

'If Vivian comes to serve me my meal this morning, I'll tell her I want to speak with Zach. He promised to get back to me right?'

She thought inwardly.

Soon Vivian came to deliver her meal, Cecilia poured the last night's own into the trash bag and returned the plate to Vivian.

"Umm, Vivian, please can you help me inform Zach, Princess Linda's guard that I want to speak with him? He knows why. Please"

Cecilia said nervously.

Hearing the person she wanted to speak with, Vivian gulped.

"O..ok. I'll do that"

Then saying that she left the room.

Vivian debated within herself, whether to tell him or not.

But remembering his words from the night before, she made up her mind to tell him.


Vivian got to his quarters, then she sighted him coming from afar with someone she didn't recognize.

Probably an acquaintance, she thought.

It was a good thing anyway.

It seemed like he was in a light mood.

Seeing Vivian halt from afar, he scrunched his face.

Getting to her, she bowed and greeted him.

"Good morning, your majesty"

Her eyes blinked continuously in fear.

She had seen him kill a lot of people, and rip out hearts with his bare hands, why wouldn't she be scared?

"Why are you here so early?"

He asked curiously.

"'s la..lad..lady Cecilia"

Hearing the name and the way Vivian said it made his heart skip a beat.

Did anything happen to his amusement?

He asked himself.

"And what is it with lady Cecilia?"

He asked her, his brows furrowed in anticipation.

"She asked to see you, your majesty. She said she wants to speak with you."

Vivian said nervously.

"Just that?

He asked her tilting his head.

She nodded positively.


He ordered his mind now at peace knowing she was safe.

Vivian quickly left.

"Who's this Cecilia that made that stone in there skip a bit?"

The person beside Zach finally spoke.

"I'll see you later Blaine"

And with that, he left the person beside him alone.


After she had her breakfast, she found her way out of the building.

She waited for some time and she lost hope, she went back to her room and lay on the bed.

Then she heard a knock on her window.

Running out, she saw him waiting for her on her terrace.

"You came."

She said beaming. She was happy because she was going to get her answer on how to be eliminated.

"The message sounded like it was urgent"

He deadpanned.

He knew exactly why she wanted to see him but then decided to tease her a bit.

"If it's about what happened yesterday, am sure you also enjoyed the foreplay"

He said now staring intently at her.

Foreplay? Is he mad?

Her head was ringing, looking at his face, she could not detect his expression.

"That was no foreplay"

She blurted.

"If I tell you a few of my best dirty pick-up lines and make you a bit tingly down there, can that count as foreplay?"

He said now staring below her tummy.

Her face flushed deep red knowing exactly what he was talking about and where he was looking.

His lips twitched in amusement seeing her flushed face.

"I want to sit, don't you?"

She asked trying to change the topic covering it with a nervous smile.

"As long as I have a face, you'll always have a place to sit"

He said smirking.


Sit on his face?

Was that even possible? Gross.

Cecilia wondered her brows creased.

His lips twitched again as he watched her.

"But don't worry little bunny, you've earned a new title. My sexy seductress"

He whispered in a husky voice that got her knees weak.

This was the most shameless man she'd ever met.

He spouted out his words without thinking.

Sighing, she tried to get the blush away from her face.

"Am sure I did bad yesterday, unlike the other princesses. So don't praise me"

She blurted.

"But your hands work magic bunny."

He said with a treacherous smile.

Her eyes shot daggers at him. She hated that dumb nickname.

"Stop calling me bunny, else I'll look for a nickname for you"

She said her eyes still shooting daggers.

His lips twitched again.

"Sexy Seductress, am honored"

He said his lips still twitching.

'Great, now am stuck'

She bit her bottom lip thinking.

His throat tightened seeing her bite her lips. Then all of a sudden, she licked her lip and a victorious smile washed her lips.