Nothing close to holy

He smelt her pants, she wanted to bury herself deep in the ground. But could she?

He was a shameless pervert.

She sighed.

She wore everything one by one then came out of the bathroom.

"Come here bunny. Let's go"

He said still looking at her.

She felt really ashamed and didn't even want to hold his hand.

"Such a shameless man"

She quickly covered her mouth with her two hands, her eyes widened, she didn't realize she had said it out. She thought it was in her mind.

His lips twitched, then he walked towards her until they were an inch apart.

"Do you know what I can do when am shameless"

He asked his gaze burning.

She gulped and took a step back.

He clasped her hand, and they started walking.


In no time, they got to Cecilia's room.

"You're back to your room.

Zach said.

"Thank you"

Then she took a look at her beanie that was on him.

"You can use it till you find a solution"

She said softly, her voice meek.

He stared at her, his face void of any emotion.

"Okay, any other thing?"

He asked her.

But she didn't even hear him. Her heart clenched remembering that he did everything to help her. But now his hair, it was gone. And... She couldn't help it, the tears started rolling down her eyes.

"Thank you, thank you for everything. I wish I could repay you back"

She said now sniffing.

His face twitched to one of anger.

He clenched his hands so tight that it started to bleed.

All his life, no one had ever pitied him. But this... this bunny who came into his life days ago pitied him. Probably she sees him as a saint. Someone who's good. If she knew the sort of blood he had in his palm, how many innocent and guilty people he had killed, how many girls he had taken advantage of, the gruesome things he had done, how he was nothing close to holy, even the devil gave him some level of respect because he was at the peak of sinners, would she still still pity him?

"Well, you can pay me back"

He said with a smirk now composing himself.

"Really, am just a fashion de... Oh yeah I'll sew you something"

She said her face now beaming with a beautiful smile.

He was about to say something dirty to her, but then she covered it up with something, well, innocent.

What was an innocent girl like her doing in a dirty mind like his.

"Okay. There'll be a quest this evening, so probably Vivian would come to pick you up"

He said with a straight face.

"Ooh, do you have an idea what it is?"

She asked him.

"No. I don't. I have to go now, see you soon bunny."

Then he left her alone.

She sighed then entered her room with a smile.


"My princess, I caught him taking her to the guest building to have her bath"

Nicola said bowing her head to Linda.

"What? I knew it. He's having a relationship with that thing. Why? Of all people her?"

She shrieked.

"Leave Nicola, get out"

She screamed and Nicola gave her a quick glance then left.

"What? He is going to bring this family down"

She panicked. She had heard stories of how rich men married poor girls and at the end the poor girls kills their husbands and acquire their properties.

It happened to her best friend, Dianne. Dianne was more than a friend, a sister. Dianne chose to fall in love with a village boy. He killed her best friend and ran away. Till date, he hadn't been found.

"No, I won't let that happen Zach. Before mom died, she told me to be in charge of who you'll get married to, everything has been going smoothly until that thing took the invitation. No, never, you'll never get married to that thing. As far as I am alive"

She drawled angrily.


Cecilia fell on her bed tiredly.

Another quest, this evening?

What could it be?

She asked herself.

And I need to make him a cloth.

She pressed her lips together.

She was worried about her sisters and how they'd be faring. She sighed then picking up a material, she started to sew.


He strode, anyone he passed trembled due to fear.

But he didn't care, he made his way to the Queen's quarter.

Getting to her personal room, he didn't bother to knock. He opened the door to see her seated in her regular spot, twiddling a cup in her hand.

Immediately he entered the room, a smile broke on her face.

"Boy, if that was another person who entered without knocking, a scaffold would have been prepared."

She said sipping her juice.

"You called for me"

He deadpanned.

"That was yesterday, were you so busy?"

She asked still giving him a smile.

"Speak woman, I don't have the time for this"

He deadpanned.

The woman laughed then took a sip from her juice.

Zach's brows furrowed seeing her with that juice. There was hardly a time she wasn't with it. Blaine once told him the juice helped one to remain young no matter the age.

He knew the woman was old, probably in her 90's, but she looked like in her 30's. When she smiled, she looked almost as young as Linda.

"Calm down boy"

She said still twiddling the juice in her hand.

He hated the way she addressed him as boy. His blood boiled, anger evident on his face.

"I know if you had your way, you'd have gouged out my eyes"

She gave a hearty chuckle then continued.

"But you can't kill me now boy, you still need me"

She laughed maniacally.

If there was one person he hated most, it was his grandmother. She took over as the queen immediately his parents died, well, to be truthful, ever since he killed his parents.

The only way to take that title from her was to get married and have his queen by his side. That was another reason why he needed to get married.

"Why did you call me, woman"

He asked her trying to compose himself.

"Wow, what wonderful nicknames we both have, boy and woman"

She laughed.

"Anyways, I've written the names of all the contestants, we'll be eliminating two tomorrow evening. Pick the people to be eliminated. Am tired"

She said her voice now serious even though there was still a smile on her face.

He scanned the list until he saw her name.

Cecilia Shawn.

His lips twitched.

It was normal for him to eliminate her as she was the odd one out of all. She wasn't a princess, she didn't care about royalty like the others.

'You're stuck with me for now bunny, until you stop amusing me, you'll never leave my side. Not even death can steal you'

He said in his mind, but from the outside, a smirk could be seen on his face.