Why the village girl?

That evening, she wore a short pink gown which only got to her knees.

She let her hair loose after applying her hair lotion.

Looking at herself in the mirror, she knew she looked perfect.

Definitely not like the other princesses.

'Am not in a competition with anyone'

Then she shrugged her shoulders and waited for Vivian.

Soon, Vivian showed up and then, they left her room.


They got to a relatively large hall with chairs.

She sighed and went to have her sit behind some of the princesses.

She looked further and she saw the normal set of people, The princess, Jacob the king and Zach.

His red eyes zeroed on her.

She lowered her head.

And soon they were complete.

"Listen up princesses, tomorrow evening, two people would be eliminated."

Linda said smiling, almost like she was happy they were leaving.

If only they knew she was happy Cecilia would be eliminated.

"But for tonight, king Jacob would be picking a princess to spend at least 30 minutes with. He earlier said he was confused on who to pick, so I wrote all your names in pieces of paper. Whoever he picks gets to spend some time with him"

Linda said then giggled.

People thought she was laughing genuinely.

But it was because she already sketched out a plan.

She wrote Cecilia's name on 12 of the pieces, and then Hayley's name another princess on just one.

It was close to impossible for him to pick Hayley out of 13 pieces.

Then if he picked Cecilia, she would send Zach to accompany them. He had to, because right now, he was her guard. Even though he would've disagreed, he wouldn't because Cecilia was involved, or so she thought.

Then Jacob proudly walked forward until he got to the tray holding the names. Sighing he picked one, then he called the name aloud for everyone to hear.

"Cecilia Shawn"

He said and Cecilia started to fell head ache.

Her face paled.

Why me? God?

She panicked. She hated anything that was going to stop her from being eliminated.

She had tried so far to stay low, but, look now. Zach said to be real right, she was going to be real and definitely Jacob would get bored of her.

She smiled felling she had sketched a plan. Linda also smiled because her plan had worked, but Zach, his lips twitched, but in anger. Something was not right here, the smile on Linda's face, Linda hated Cecilia, why would she be happy now.

He strode to the tray, and started opening it one by one. And he noticed Cecilia's name was on most.

He smirked. Linda was trying to play a game with his amusement. He was going to play too.

"Umm, he picked Cecilia. The king would be picking where you'll be having your little stroll. And my guard Zach would be accompanying you"

She smiled.

Zach gave a slight bow to acknowledge Linda.

Jacob walked to a nervous Cecilia.

He stretched out his hand to Cecilia.

Cecilia nervously took his hand and he held it tight.

The other princesses started to murmur in annoyance.

Why the village girl?

They all had the same question on their minds.

Jacob led her out of the room, with Zach following them.


They got to his quarters, specifically to the part that contained flowers. The moon shone bright on them making them look beautiful.

Cecilia couldn't help but gape at the flowers.

"You like them?"

Jacob finally spoke.

"Yes, they are beautiful"

She smiled.

He noticed how happy she was just looking at the flowers.

"I can tell you their names"

Jacob obliged.

Cecilia turned to him and gave him a smile.

"Thank you your majesty. I know most of them"

She said still having a smile on her already beautiful face.

"Really, so what's the name of that one?"

Jacob asked her tilting his head.

"Umm, Lily"

She said beaming.

"Do you know all their names?"

She asked back still smiling, almost like she had seen a new toy to play with.

Her smile, it warmed Jacob, it was contagious. He didn't even know when he started smiling.

"Yes I do, wanna play a game"

He asked her now smiling back.

"What game?" She asked him.

"I'll point a flower and you'll tell me the name, vice versa. So, whoever gets 5 correctly simultaneously without failing wins"

He said smiling.

Cecilia pouted then a smile broke out on her face.


She giggled. Then seeing the crown on his head, she quickly bowed.

This was the king. She thought

"Am sorry your highness"

She apologized.

"It's fine. Please feel free with me, so who's starting first"

Jacob asked and their little game started.

In the midst of all this, a certain someone was pissed off.


Seeing the way his amusement giggled as they played the game, the way she smiled for another man, his anger boiled. She was his amusement and for no one else.


She screamed dancing.

"I won"

She moved her legs as she danced.

Jacob seeing her, felt something he had never felt before. He had seen so many girls, princesses, poor girls and all of that, but he was drawn to her immediately.

She was genuinely happy. It warmed his heart.

He stared at her lovingly not knowing daggers were being shot at him from Zach's eyes