An obsession

Zach's anger reached the peak, he was controlling himself from not walking up to them and snapping Jacob's head.

He saw Jacob looking at her lovingly.

No. Cecilia was his. His alone. His amusement. His bunny. His sexy Seductress.

"You see, I told you, am good with flowers"

She said beaming.

Then Jacob walked to her until they were an inch apart.

He took her hair and smelt it.

She gulped.

He held the hair in his nose, his eyes closed.

Zach couldn't help it.

It was too much. He started heading to them when the watch on his wrist started beeping, meaning their 30 minutes was over.

"Oh, it's over already. See you some other time. Zach, please see her to her room"

Jacob said still staring at Cecilia.

Cecilia gave him a smile, then bowed and started following behind Zach and soon they were out of Jacob's quarters.

The aura Zach was emitting was making her shake due to fear.


She softly called and he turned his back to look at her.

His face void of any emotion, but he was giving off an icy aura.


He asked her his tone sounding annoyed.

Shee gulped, he looked menacing now.

There was no smirk or look of amusement on his face. It was hard to decipher his look, but she could tell from his voice, he was angry.

"Am sorry, let's go"

She said biting her lips nervously.

He spared her one more glance that sent chills running down her spine.


He led her to her room and without saying anything to her, he turned his back and left her.

She didn't know why, but she was trembling.

The aura he gave off, made her scared.

Really scared. Her adrenaline rushed.

She walked to her room and lay on the bed, her body shaking.

She wondered how much more menacing the devil would be.


The images of how he held her hair and inhaled her scent made him boil in anger.

He couldn't bear it. Jacob was lucky the time was up, else, he wouldn't have lived to see the next day.

He got to his room to see Blaine sitting on his bed.

Ignoring Blaine, he walked to his cupboard and took a cigarette. Lighting it up, he started smoking.

"Woah, it's been long you really got annoyed. What Happened?"

Blaine asked looking confused. Zach hardly got angry, he teased people even when they were on their death bed.

But whenever he got angry, nothing could help.

He could go destroying anything on sight.

Zach glanced at him then continued smoking without saying a word.

Out of his coat, Blaine brought out a card, whispered to it and it started approaching Zach. Zach saw the card and knew what exactly Blaine wanted to do. He wanted to tap into his memory to see what got him angry. He didn't care as it would save him from explaining anything.

Immediately it touched him, it went back to Blaine. Blaine closed his eyes as if processing information, and a smirk could be seen on his face.

"Wow, so you're jealous. That explains it"

Blaine said still smirking.

"Am not, I don't just want to see anyone with her. Especially not a man. She's my amusement. I should be the one to make her frown and smile."

Zach deadpanned.

"Wow, such a possessive boyfriend"

Blaine chuckled dryly.

Zach shot Blaine daggers with his eyes.

"She's not my girlfriend. At least not yet. Just my amusement"

He deadpanned still smoking.

"Does that mean you plan on making her your girlfriend someday?"

Blaine asked picking a cigarette from the pack.

Zach ignored him. Now thinking of it, imagining Cecilia as his wife didn't sound bad,and it also didn't sound good.

Sighing, he ruffled his hair with his hand to find out the hair hadn't grown.

"I need a hair growth cream"

Zach deadpanned.

"Alright, I'll get it before tomorrow morning"

Blaine said still intrigued by what he was seeing. His friend was angry because of a girl.

Maybe not angry, jealous. And who knows, if the time wasn't up, a murder would have taken place.

"If you had killed Jacob in her presence. She'll hate you forever, she'll see you as a monster"

Blaine said.

"I don't care, I'll wipe her memory after that. She won't remember a single thing that happened there"

He deadpanned.

His reply shocked Blaine, this girl, she wasn't just his amusement, but if not watched, would soon become an obsession to kill for.


The night was cold.

Jacob couldn't stop thinking of her. He couldn't even sleep well. Then the thought of Cecilia being eliminated occured to him.

He rubbed his temple thinking of what to do.

He didn't want her to be eliminated, at least not soon.