Who do I call you

'And, the Queen's quarter would be closed now.'

He thought.

He didn't know what to do. If she was eliminated, after Zach gets a wife among the princesses, he'll travel to her village and bring her over.

With a plan sketched, he closed his eyes to sleep.


On a certain terrace that night, the silhouette of a person could be seen. He smoked thinking far.

Her smile, so innocent. That smile was supposed to be for him alone.

But Jacob made her smile. Probably he was jealous, or rather possessive of his amusement. He thought.

The cold wind ruffled his hair and it came falling on his face. He looked threatening.

His blood lust was getting high, which made his red eyes darker than normal.

"Am back"

A voice echoed at the other end of the terrace. Blaine walked up to Zach and gave him a lotion together with a pill.

"What's the pill for?"

Zach asked him inspecting the pill with his eyes.

"Umm, I couldn't make the antidote you asked for last time. This pill will help you. Trust me and try it"

Blaine said happy with his work.

Zach ignored him then walked to his room. In there, Nicola was on his bed. me unconscious.

He walked to her, then with his sharp nails, made a cut on her hand then started sucking her blood, the metallic taste rushing into his mouth.

Then with a snap of his fingers, his clothes and that of Nicola disappeared off their body with no trace.

Then he took the pill Blaine had given him.

Immediately he took it, he couldn't see Nicola on the bed again. Instead it was Cecilia.

His eyes narrowed. What was she doing here, the only thing was that she wasn't naked, she wore her pajama.

He wore his robe then went back to the terrace and saw Blaine waiting for him there.

"What, done so quick?"

Blaine deadpanned.

"What's she doing there?"

Zach asked looking at Blaine suspiciously.


Blaine said giving a hearty chuckle.

"Earlier, when I tapped into your memory, I saw how she looked like. So making the drugs, I inputted her looks into it. I know you won't understand, the person on that bed is Nicola, if I go in, I'd be seeing Nicola. But because of the drug, you'll be seeing the other girl.

So anytime you..."

Blaine tried explaining but was interrupted.

"I understand, okay?"

Then he left Blaine and entered the room.

He understood, the drug was going to make him see Cecilia until he was done. It was a solution anyways.

Since Cecilia caused his arousal, she was the only one who could satisfy it. So, that was why he was seeing her instead of Nicola.

Getting into the room, he saw her on the bed. The smirk adorned his face, then

He walked to the bed.

"Now who do I call you, Cecilia or Nicola"

He chuckled dryly.


The next morning, Cecilia's lashes fluttered. She sat up on her bed rubbing her eyes.

A smile etched on her face remembering she would be eliminated that evening.

If the queen was really in charge, then then the queen would be eliminating her. But where was the so called queen?

She asked herself.

She didn't want to bother herself about the royal household, it was better she didn't pry into anything concerning the royal family. Her sisters still needed her.

She went to her bathroom, then remembering the condition of the shower, she sighed.

'Definitely, I can't use it yet. It hasn't been fixed. And I don't want my hair gone'

She bit her lip thinking.

The only person that had helped her alot was Zach.

'But it seems he's angry with me'

She pressed her lips together.

Remembering the last night's event.

She racked her brain trying to think of how she wronged him, but nothing was clicking.

Shrugging her shoulders, she washed her mouth, then still in her pajama, she left the room.

Closing the door, she waited out for Vivian, but she wasn't coming. It was 10am and her stomach was burning due to hunger.

She decided she couldn't wait again, she'd go out and look for someone to help her fix the shower.


Finding her way out of the building, the sunlight hit her. She used her hands to cover her eyes until it became steady again.

She moved her legs around taking several turns, but there was no body in sight.

Biting her lips, she kept on moving, without losing hope.

And soon, she got to a maze.