The maze

He stepped into the maze and tried following her scent, but it was everywhere.

It was more like, she had taken all the turns.

Then how was he going to find her now?

He knew the way in and out, it would take him 30 minutes strolling, but while running with his vampire ability, he should be done in 10 minutes.

But others, it took them days. Some weeks. And some never came back.

If only he could tell the turns she had taken so he would find her on time.

He took the turn to his right, passing several turns, he finally turned and took the right again.


It was three hours since he got inside the maze. He took several turns but he couldn't find her. It was beginning to get him frustrated.

He tried to focus on her heartbeat, but it was just too far away from himself.

He sighed. Now he knew why people got vexed. The maze was hard. For the first time in his life, he was agreeing to this fact.

And it was because, he wasn't looking for the exit, instead he was looking for someone.

Why was she making things difficult?

She could have remained in her room instead.

He tried focusing on her heart beat again but it was futile. And now, he was lost in the maze. He knew the way in and out, but if he ended up in another track, he wouldn't be able to find his way out.

Right now there was only one thing he could do.

Something started growing from his back. First bit was small, but it later started sprouting until a wing emerged from his back.

The wings were big, so big. Due to the tracks being spacious, he wasn't affected too much.

Then he flapped his wings and moved up.

He started flying above the maze making sure to keep his distance. The last thing he wanted was a wound on his wings.

Due to his superb eyesight, he could see everything in the maze with ease.

He could have destroyed the maze earlier, but that would cause a fuss, and Cecilia could get hurt in the process.

He kept flying up using his eyes to search for her until he saw a petite figure.

He flew down to where he spotted it and he saw Cecilia unconscious on the ground. What happened to her?


Earlier, Cecilia took little steps. Being careful in case she needed to go back.

She pressed her lips together as she took different turns. It was almost like she was in a building, moving from room to room.

She kept on moving, until she got to a dead end. She walked for about 20 minutes, meeting several dead ends.

Her brows creased, was it so hard?

Her stomach was burning due to hunger and the sun, it was scorching.

She was beginning to get weak, her vision was getting blurry. And her legs gave up making her fall to the ground. She began to gasp for breath.

'Am I going to die in the hands of a maze?'

She began to ask herself cursing her fate.

She was sweating profusely hereby running out of energy.

She rolled her eyes as she cursed her fate.

And that was the last she could remember.


His wings now went back strangely. Just the same way they came. There was a little joy in his heart due to the fact that he had found her.

He picked up her petite body in his arms, and using his hand, he removed the strands of hair on her face to place it behind her ears.

She looked... Beautiful.

Her innocent face which had paled due to her being unconscious made her look pretty.

A little scratch was made on her face where little blood dropped out. He was drawn to the blood immediately, and with his other hand, he wiped the blood with his thumb and licked it.

It was little, but it tasted sweet. In fact, the sweetest he had tasted in years. He ran his tongue on his already protruding fangs. All he wanted to do immediately wanted to sink his fangs into her soft neck.

Wiping the thoughts from his mind, he disappeared into thin air with Cecilia lying in his arms.

He appeared in her room and lay her down on her bed. Then he stepped out of the room.

Minutes later, he came back holding a tray of food.

He dropped it on her bed cupboard as he watched her unconscious self.

She bore a peaceful look on her face. It was almost like she was sleeping.

He had never dealt with something like this before, so he let her be and sat at the other end of the room.


An hour later, Cecilia coughed.

She coughed so hard that she was starting to cough blood.


Zach's voice echoed in the room.

She jolted and turned to his direction. What was he doing here?

She asked herself.

Remembering how she got lost in a maze and how she felt, well, she was close to death made a chill run down her spine.

'Did he save me in the maze?'

She looked at him her gaze becoming sweet