Feeling safe with a monster?

"Did you bring me here?".

She asked him softly.

"I remembered you had a broken shower, so, I came looking for you. Only to find you in the maze"

He deadpanned.

"How did you know I was in the maze?"

She asked him.

"I asked some people, from their description, I knew you'd be going to the maze"

He deadpanned.

'But no one saw me. Or were they spies in the castle?'

She gulped.

"Here, your beanie"

He removed it from his head and gave it to her.

His hair. It had grown. How?

"How did you find me in the maze?"

She was really curious to know. The maze was an impossible task. But he saved her from it.

"I've been working in the castle for about ten years. I know the inns and outs of this castle."

He said, his face void of any emotion.

She bit her lip. He was acting indifferently.

She stood up from her bed still looking at him. He was dressed in a black robe which had spots of gold here and there. His hair fell on his face, highlighting his dark red eyes.

He looked menacing, almost like the tales she had heard of the devil. She went to her tailoring kit and picked up a tape.

She walked up to where he was seated and said

"I want to measure you"

His lips twitched. So, she was serious about making a cloth for him.

She took his silence as a yes and waited for him to get up.

He stood up, his eyes scrutinizing her.

She started to measure him, her hands moving around his body.

She was concentrating because she needed to get the exact measurement.

He watched her pout her lips whenever she'd get the wrong measurement.

After measuring for quite some time, her face beamed.

"Am through"

She smiled at him.

He stared at her amusingly.

What was so special about fashion designing?

He wondered.

"Alright. I'll be leaving Bunny. Make sure you eat the food I brought and prepare for this evening"

Then giving her one more glance, he left the room.

She somehow felt, kind of happy he called her bunny.

At least it proved he was no longer angry with her. And he even brought her food.

She fell on her bed happy that she'd be eliminated that evening.


She wore a jean trouser and sweaters.

The weather was cold, and she couldn't afford to catch cold.

She tied her hair into a ponytail and slipped into a slide.

She knew she was going to look odd. Definitely the other princesses would be putting on dresses.

But it was supposed to be expected from her as she wasn't a princess.

A knock was heard on her door, going to check through the peephole, it was Vivian.

So soon?

"I'll be there"

She said loud enough for Vivian to hear.

She quickly took a lip gloss and applied it on her lips.

And she was ready.


Vivian led her to a different hall, this one smaller than the last one that was used.

Immediately she entered the hall, all eyes were on her.

But she was glad as some of the princesses also put on knitted sweaters. Some wore the sweaters with skirts while some wore theirs with trousers.

Going to join the queue, Linda began.

"Welcome back princesses."

And all the princesses bowed.

"Good, now, There'll be a little test among you contestants. And immediately after the test, two princesses would be eliminated"

When Linda got to the part where she talked about the elimination, her voice became cheery.

"So, one by one, you'll be led to a room where the test would be performed. First, Damian Susan."

A girl with deep blue hair stepped forward and bowed her head.

"Zach would be leading you to the room. Then I and the king would follow. While the rest of you would wait for for us here"

Zach walked up to Susan then bowed his head.

Then Zach, Susan, Linda and the king all left the room.


It was finally Cecilia's turn. Zach came to pick her up. Immediately they came out of the hall, Zach grabbed her hand and pulled her close to himself.

"What are you doing?"

She blurted as they walked.

"What does it seem like I'm doing?"

He asked her trying to gauge her expression.

She shrugged her shoulders.

"Can you take me to the maze some other day?"

She asked biting her lips as she waited for his response.


He deadpanned.

He was stunned. Why would she want to go back to the maze? The same place she almost killed herself.

And she was also shocked by his response.

Does he always have to be this rude?

She asked herself as she rolled her eyes.


She blurted.

"Why? Such a silly bunny. Give me one reason to take you there."

He said a small smile on the corner of his lips.

"Because I feel when you're with me, I'm safe"

She blurted. Since he had worked in the castle for about ten years, she couldn't see herself getting lost In the maze when she was with him.

And it seemed like he found her with ease in the maze.

That was what she thought, but it rubbed him in a different way.

She felt safe with him?

Feeling safe with a monster?

Someone who could rip off her heart and suck the blood in her body dry.

Someone who loved seeing others suffer.

Someone who derived joy in torturing others.

What sort of a bunny was this. She was so ignorant of the person by her side.

If she knew the dreadful things he could do, would she still feel safe with him?

He wondered