That's a warning

He led her to another part of the castle until they got to a door.

He used his large hand to push open the door for her to get in.

Getting inside the room, her eyes got wide in surprise.

There was a long table, the ends of the table reaching the two sides of the room with only a chair stationed at the middle of the table.

On the table were jaw dropping meals. So many delicacies.

It was just too much that she started to drool from the corner of her mouth.

Zach's brows furrowed as he watched her drool over the food. He inwardly sighed. She definitely wasn't used to this sort of luxury.

"Stop drooling dear. Please sit"

Linda said giving Cecilia a smile. Linda was seating not too close to the dining table with the king seated beside her.

While Zach stayed by the door, not interested in whatever they were doing.

Cecilia was taken aback by the kind words.

When did Princess Linda become nice?

Cecilia moved her legs and sat down.

"You'll be eating whatever you like. We want to watch how you eat"

Linda said still giving her a smile.

Cecilia's brows furrowed.

Watching how she'd be eating?

So Queens had a special way of eating. But lucky for her, she wasn't interested in being the queen.

She saw so many meals she'd never had thought she'll ever eat. But probably, time was ticking, she had to eat.


Cecilia tried every meal with her bare hands.

She gobbled up the meal without caring if anyone was watching her.

Zach wasn't interested, but hearing the noise of her eating carelessly piqued his interest.

He amusingly stared at her as she ate without restraint. Checking the watch on his hand, he cleared his throat then spoke.

"Time's over"

Hearing that, Cecilia stopped then she turned to look at the princess who was now giving an awkward smile to her.

Jacob had a stoic look on his face.

She can't even eat well.

Jacob sighed.

'That won't be a problem, I'll teach her.

She'll learn it over time'.

He then smiled.

"Take he out Zach"

Linda said then Zach gave a slight bow to her and opened the door for Cecilia to come out.

Cecilia came out gulping realizing that she just embarrassed herself.

She was just too engrossed with the food, she didn't realize there were others in the room with her. Zach held her hand as they walked. His large hand covering up her petite hand. His hand was extremely cold while her's was warm.

"I didn't know you were much of a foodie, Bunny"

He said as a dry chuckle escaped his lips.

She snapped at him.

"Is that a crime?"

She asked annoyed by his statement.

"No it's not, but staining your soft lips with the food is not acceptable by me"

He said then in the blink of an eye, he cornered her.

His thing moved ever so gently to her bottom lips. He brushed her bottom lips with his thumb.

His thumb being extremely cold made a shiver run down her spine.

Then his hand moved again to her face removing the crumbs.

"That's better"

He deadpanned.

She didn't know what to say to him. She was really dumfounded.

Why would he ho touching her lips like that?

She pressed her lips together.

He grabbed her hands, and the duo started walking.


It was a silent walk, he led her back to the hall to join the others. There were two princesses left before the test would be over.

Cecilia went to a bench and sat down


Thirty minutes later, Linda, The king and Zach all entered the hall.

It was the time they all had been waiting for.

The elimination.

"I've wasted your time enough".

Linda began.

"Time to go straight."

She continued.

"With me here is the list of the two girls that'll be eliminated."

Linda continued.

By now everyone in the room was focused.

Except Zach.

He had personally written the names.

"Here i go. Gary Priya and Wilson May"

Linda's face paled. And so did Cecilia's.

'Wait, this must be a mistake. I'll read it again'

Linda thought.

She read the paper, flipping it, but Cecilia's name was nowhere to be found.

She shot Cecilia a glare.

'This bitch'

Linda fumed.

"Alright, the queen asked that y'all should be given three days to relax before we continue the activities. And for the names I mentioned, you'll be leaving tomorrow. You may all leave"

Linda said her voice sounding angry.

The princesses gave a bow to Linda, and Jacob, then started to leave one by one.

"Cecilia wait. Come here"

Linda called Cecilia giving her a glare.

"Yes my princess"

Cecilia walked up to Linda, her head low.

"How did you manage to get your filthy poor name off the list?"

Linda asked as she approached Cecilia.

"My filthy name managed to escape the list my princess."

Cecilia said as she rolled her eyes.

"And besides, I don't want to remain here. To remain with people who see themselves as God. To remain with people who look down on people of my class. Never. In essence my princess, I don't want to remain here with you"

Cecilia continued still bowing her head.

Zach's lips twitched as he watched her talk back.

'What guts she's got'

He said inwardly still looking at her.

Linda fumed at her words and raised her hands to hit Cecilia on her face, but Cecilia held her hand.

"Don't touch me princess. Am not your maid who washes your underwear, neither am I your slave. Am a contestant, a human, and I'll like to be treated the same way the other contestants are treated. Don't raise your hands to hit me. If you so much hate my existence, convince the queen to eliminate me. I'll be more than happy to leave this place. That's a warning, because the next time you try raising your hands, or voice at me. You'll regret it. I'll show you how we filthy people coming from the village, behave"

And with that, Cecilia gave another bow, then stormed out of the room.