A dream

Zach smiled as he watched her leave the room.

"Linda, I think you're overdoing things. She's a contestant. Treat her like one"

Jacob said slightly annoyed that Linda had tried to hit Cecilia.

"What? You're supporting her too? This is so despicable. Am out of here"

Linda pouted in anger then left the hall.

Zach still bore an amused look on his face.

He got up, then left the room leaving Jacob alone.


Cecilia got to her room angrily.

She hoped she had talked some senses into Linda.

Cecilia was not a person to take nonsense. And she wouldn't tolerate it, even if it was from Linda.

She lay on her bed staring at the ceiling.

'Three days, doing nothing.'

She sighed.

It was going to be really boring.

She closed her eyes dozing off, and she slept off.


Cecilia opened her eyes. She was in a dark hallway, and it seemed like she was the only one there.

She heard a grunt from afar and decided to trace it. Water droplets fell from the ceiling until it finally fell on her face.

Using her think to clean it, she realized it was sticky. Shrugging her shoulders, she kept on moving.

'Am i dreaming?'

She wondered still moving.

Then she heard a shriek, but this time, it wasn't so far away. She started running towards the sound, not minding the liquid dropping on her from the ceiling.

And soon she got to a dead end. She grazed her hand and saw it was a wall. Truly a dead end. Dropping her hand, it hit something hard and she shrieked biting her lip.


Checking what she hit, she saw it was a handle.

Feeling it since it was dark, she realized it was really a door handle.

Holding it, she pushed and opened the door.

The sight in front of her was gore. The smell hit her immediately. The smell of blood.

And another thing, Zach, he was tied in the room, blood dripping from his body. The room was bright, far brighter than the hallway she was coming from which made her see.


She called softly.

"Leave here Sweetheart. I don't want them to get you. Please love"

He said raising his head to look at her.

He was in pain.

But then it hit her. Sweetheart? Love?

What was she seeing and hearing?

He called her bunny, not this names meant for lovers.

Cecilia blinked her eyes continuously.

"Come here sweet"

He said giving a low grunt, his face contoured in pain.


She gulped. Why was he calling her this names?

She obliged and moved closer to him.

"Kiss me one last time"

He said giving her a smile.

She gulped and took a step back.

Kiss? One last time? But she'd never kiss him before. It was definitely a dream.

But why did this dream feel so real. Like she was seeing the past or something in the future.

"Sweet, this is not the time to be shy. Kiss me. I promise you, I won't die. I'll be with you. We'll grow old together. We'll nurture our kids together. Kiss me love"

He said still giving her a smile.

Right now, Cecilia's head was spinning.

She blinked her eyes continuously then moved closer to him and....


Her eyes opened to see herself sweating buckets on her bed.

She sighed.

It was really a dream