Too overwhelming for him

She stood up from her bed and walked to the bathroom.

She washed her face thoroughly then came out.

Her face flushed red remembering the dream. The names he called her, they were romantic.

Her face flushed deeply now.

Checking the time, she realized it was 10pm in the night.

Her eyes widened. 10pm and Vivian hadn't brought her food.

She was starving.

Pressing her lips, she sat on her bed thinking of what to do.

After thinking for quite some time, she decided to go out and look for food.

She stepped out of the building and started making her way when she saw someone approaching her from afar.

It was night, so she could see the red eyes clearly.


"Where were you going to bunny?"

He asked immediately he got to her. His deep voice echoed. She wondered if he was intentionally raising his voice or if that was how his voice was, naturally.

"To look for food, I'm hungry. Where were you going to?"

She blurted.

"I was coming to you. You know you're the special contestant. And Vivian comes to serve you. She's not available now, so I came to check if you've eaten. Order from the king"

He said looking at her dead in the eye.

"Ok. Thank you"

She whispered but it was loud enough for him to hear.

"Would you wait for me to bring you food, or come with me?"

He asked her.

"I'll come with you"

She said biting her lip.

The reason she was coming with him was because she knew he was busy. She didn't want a situation where she'll be waiting for him not knowing he'd been called by the princess.

She'll follow him and get the food, if he were to be called by the princess, she was sure he'll show her the way to get it. And that was far better than waiting in her room.

He sure wasn't expecting her to come with him.

His brows twitched.

"All right then. Follow me closely"

He said leading the way.

As they went, Cecilia noticed something. The area was quiet. It wasn't bubbly.

"Why is there nobody in sight? Not even one person."

Cecilia asked as she waited for him to answer her. He halted and turned his back to look at her. He had to shift his eyes down to look at her. She was so little.

"How old are you?"

He asked her, his brows creased.

"I asked you first"

She blurted.

Sighing, he ran his fingers along his hear, and with one stride, he covered up the distance between them. He was now standing very close to her.

"What a bunny. Answer me first and don't keep me waiting"

He whispered, his lips on her ears, which sent a chill down her spine.

She became really pissed and raised her hand to hit him. But with one swift move, he dodged it.

"How old are you, little bunny?"

His voice becoming low but threatening.

"You're not being fair. I asked you first"

She pouted.

His lips curved into a smirk.


He whispered, his cold hands now moving to her waist.

He knew exactly how to get her yo do his biddings.

He pulled her closer to him through her waist.

She tried wriggling herself away from him, but he didn't budge.

"Just stop this already. Am 21"

She yelled, her eyes shooting him daggers.

"Sweet girl"

He said then left her waist and took a step back.

The name. Sweet. Reminded her of her dream.

"No wonder. Still a kid"

He tched.

She ignored him totally.

"Now your turn to answer my question"

"Be patient Bunny. I'll tell you as we go"

Zach said then started leading the way again.

"Someone stole gold from the royal household. It was traced to the bag of a maid. So, all servants are being questioned. I've done my own questioning, in case you are curious"

Zach deadpanned still leading the way.

It took some time for Cecilia to process the information.

Stole? From the royal household?

She sighed.

People were so stupid, she thought.

"Do you know what will happen to her?"

Cecilia asked him looking at his tall and proud shoulders as he walked in front of her.

"Yes, she will be killed"

Zach deadpanned.

Cecilia gulped.

Zach started quickening his steps and she tried to follow. And soon he stopped in the front of a maid.

"Nicola, is the food ready?"

Zach asked the maid at his front

"No. In the next forty-five minutes"

Nicola gave a smile then bent her next to see the person at his back. Her brows furrowed.

'What is my kind doing here. Or was she the last to be sent here? Seems like she is a novice as an sure she can't smell me'

Nicola thought looking at Cecilia.

"You heard her bunny. What do we do?"

Zach turned to Cecilia.

"I'll be going somewhere. Want to come along?"

Zach asked her.

Her face brightened.


"Alright then. Come along"


In a terrace, A man stood. The wind ruffled his brown hair while he waited.


Linda smiled as she approached Jacob.

"You took so much time Linda"

Jacob turned to his sister.

"I was attending to some issues brother"

Linda smiled.

"Am here to subject the issue of Cecilia and Zach"

Linda said the smile no longer on her face.

Hearing the names, Jacob's face darkened.

"And what about them?"

Jacob asked his tone now getting annoyed.

"They have been spotted together again. And the bitch wasn't eliminated. I think things are beginning to get out of hand. So, what's better than taking advantage of the situation at hand?"

Linda asked now giving a wicked grin.

"I don't understand Linda. Please explain"

Jacob hated the fact that Zach was always spotted with Cecilia. And he had also been hinted that Zach wrote the list of contestants to be eliminated. It was possible Zach removed Cecilia's name because he didn't want her to be eliminated. He decided to keep that fact to himself.

Ever since the day he spent some time with Cecilia, he couldn't stop thinking about her. About her smile, her soft voice, her meek nature. Everything was just too overwhelming for him. He hated to believe that Zach was having a relationship with her. If it was true, then, maybe he'd have a big fight with Zach.

"I mean, look at the maid who stole from me. What's better than allowing Zach kill her himself on the scaffold. All the contestants would be there and that includes Cecilia. What's better than that? She'll see him kill the maid and her interest in him would die down. Don't you know they say lack of communication kills a relationship. She'll be scared and wary of him and that would kill whatsoever relationship they have. What do you think brother?"

Linda grinned waiting for Jacob's response.

Jacob thought about it. It didn't seem like something that'll put them in trouble.

So without hesitation, he agreed