Save me

They walked side by side until they got to a secluded place.

She looked at his stoic face as she tried to keep up with him. But it seemed almost impossible.

"Bunny, don't try to keep up. Women have no legs for walking, they're better off using their waist downwards on bed. And you're a bunny, how do you intend keeping up?"

He asked her, his lips curved up in a smirk.

He had been noticing how she had been trying to keep up with him, but couldn't.

He could not help but be amused.

"Am no bunny, and I'll prove to you women have legs for walking"

Cecilia retorted pouting her lips in anger.

His lips further pulled up. He halted and turned to her.

"So, is that a challenge Bunny?"

Zach asked, his face painted with amusement.


She blurted.

"That's why you amuse me bunny"

He gave a smirk as he spoke.

"Am no amusement"

She blurted.

He watched her pout her lips and he found it funny.

"Alright then, do you see that building?"

He asked as he pointed in the direction of a white small building.

"We'll do a race. I just want to prove my point to you"

He added.

Cecilia nodded in agreement as she got ready in a running stance.

"Alright. 3....2...1.. go"

Zach deadpanned.

Then the both started running. He focused on restricting his speed, because if he used his full speed, she'll be shocked beyond bounds and would immediately know he wasn't a human.

But there was a clear winner.

Zach got to the building first while Cecilia was still running there.

Immediately she got there, she huffed in tiredness.

Zach gave a light chuckle.

"And now let me guess, you need milk"

He chuckled more with Cecilia shooting him daggers with her eyes.

"Lucky for you, this building is a storage room.. There'll be plenty of milk."

He continued.

"So how do you like your milk delivery? Across the front or back? I wouldn't mind taking it through the back"

He said in a husky voice that sent chills down her spine.

"Across the... Wait, how can you give me milk that way?"

She asked, her eyes narrowed in suspicion.

"If you want to know, we can try it in your room"

He smirked. But Cecilia didn't know he had underlying meanings to his words.

'She's just too naive to know'

He inwardly sighed.

Then taking out a key from his pocket, he walked towards the building and opened it.

She waited for him until he came out with a bottle of milk.

"Here bunny. Drink, because am sure you can't walk anymore"

He rolled his eyes as he stared at her.

The moon shone on her face, highlighting her beautiful features.

This was the first time he was regarding someone as beautiful. Even though he didn't say it out.

'Probably because she's a bunny, and bunnies are always good looking'

He thought smirking.

After drinking to her fill, she gave him the milk.

"So, have I proved my point to you bunny?"

He asked collecting the milk from her.

"What point? That women can't run?"

She retorted.

His lips twitched as he looked at her angry face.

She was definitely annoyed that he ran faster than her.

Remembering her dream, her face flushed.

She badly wanted to speak to him about the dream. But she didn't know how to.

He threw the bottle away and locked the door.

"Now let's go bunny. Don't pout your lips"

He said in his ever taunting voice.

"Am not a bunny, and am definitely not pouting"

She blurted.

A smile escaped his face for the first time in decades as he watched her throw tantrums like a little kid..Well wasn't she?

"Next stop, the wolves den"

He said as he watched her facial expression.


She uttered as her face paled. It was almost like all the blood in her body had been drained.


She asked as she stuttered.

"Yes, isn't it amazing? A cute innocent bunny meeting the bad deadly wolves?"

He asked amusement filled his face.

'Was he finding it funny? Wolves?'

She asked herself.

Then he stopped in the front of a cave.

"Here, hold my hand"

He said as he offered her his hand.

She shot daggers at his large palm and that made him chuckle.

"Alright then"

Then he entered the cave and gestured for her to come with him.

She took gentle steps until she entered the cave.

It was so dark that she couldn't see a thing, not even Zach.

She tried to trace her steps through the wall. She held the wall as she walked until she heard a large growl.


She panicked as two huge wolves emerged from the darkness.

They approached her hungrily, as spittle fell off their mouths.

"Zach...Zac.. Zach"

She called out panicking as the two wolves kept approaching her.

It was dark, but their both red eyes were clear to see.

She kept moving backwards as tears rolled down her eyes until her back hit something sturdy.

His arms went around her waist as he pressed their both bodies together.

She gasped, she thought she had hit the wall, but it was Zach's sturdy body.


He chuckled hard, his hands still around her waist.

"Save me. They'll eat me"

She panicked as the tears kept rolling.

"This is so funny"

He whispered as he chuckled deeply.

For the first time in his life, he was finding something funny.

"Are you saving me or going to laugh at something that isn't even funny?"

She asked as she saw the wolves getting closer to her.

He ignored her, and kept chuckling.

Her stomach churned and earned a grumble.

"We've wasted time. Let's get this done and get you your food"

He said, his voice now getting serious.

He went ahead and pay the two wolves for minutes before he finally took her hand and they exited the cave.


Hey guys----

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Or check out my other book--- Her dearly detested husband