Such a cute bunny

She heaved a sigh immediately they came out of the cave.

"What? Still scared?"

He asked with his teasing voice.

She ignored him because she knew he was trying to tease her as usual.

'Is he always like this?'

She questioned herself but quickly remembered her dream and a blush tinted her cheek.

"Why does it seem like you have something to say to me?"

He questioned as he quirked his brow, still holding her hand as they walked.


She stuttered.

She finally gave in and told him about the dream, leaving aside the part where he called her sweet names.

His face creased, but it was only for a second or so before it came back.


He deadpanned.

She was shocked beyond bounds.

'Is that all he has to say? Maybe it's because I left out the other part'

She thought.

"An..and called me sweet names. You called me love and even asked me to kiss you"

She stuttered then blushed at her words.

His face contoured in amusement as he listened to her and a dry chuckle escaped his lips.

"Bunny, already having wet dreams with me?"

He asked her as he chuckled.

She definitely didn't understand what he meant, but because of his hoarse voice, she knew he meant no good.

"You know bunny, I could actually kiss you if you want"

He continued, his voice getting serious

She opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out.

"You can't"

She finally blurted.

"Don't tempt me girl"

He said now in a hoarse voice.

"I said you can't"

She blurted again.

She didn't want to agree with whatever silly point he always wanted to prove.

Then all of a sudden, he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close to him.

He could hear her heart hitch and a smirk enveloped his face.

"Don't tempt me bunny. I can do unimaginable things to your body out here in the open"

He groaned as he imagined himself on her.

"Don't worry bunny, they're all things you'll like"

He pressed their both bodies together and closed his eyes as he inhaled her lovely scent.

"Do you always have to be shameless?"

She asked as she tried getting away from his arms.


He asked then chuckled.

"Am only stating the fact sweet bunny"

His lips curved up in a smirk.

Her breath hitched as she heard him call her sweet.

It reminded her so much of her dream.

Then he pulled his arm away from her to see her take some steps back.

"Never tempt me bunny. Next time, you might not come out a.."


He completed the statement in his head as he stared at her intently.

"You're so annoying. Do you think you can pull me like that anytime you want"

She asked now getting irritated my him.

"Forgive me"

He said now approaching her.

"No, you should say you're sorry and that you'll never do it again"

She blurted and a look of amusement contoured his face.

"Forgive me bunny"

He said again now getting to where she stood.

She grunted in anger as she watched him being stubborn.

"I am hungry."

She pouted as she spoke to him.

"Alright sweet. Let's go"

He said anticipating her reply.

"What!!! Are you insane?"

She asked angrily. She hated the way he called her names to get her angry.

His lips twitched, but not in anger.

She asked him whether he was insane.

No one tried that. Not even the Queen herself.

But this little bunny.

He chuckled softly reminiscing the fact that she didn't know his true identity.

"Come with me bunny. Let's get you food"

Then he held her hand and led her away.


After having her meal in a small kitchen he took her to, he led her to her room.

"Won't you bid me good night bunny?"

He asked with a teasing tone.

"Not like it'll get you good dreams"

She rolled her eyes as she stood at the door.

"Of course it will, bunny."

He continued as he leaned in to her.

"Good night"

She quickly rushed her words then slammed the door on his face.

She didn't want him to lean in on her anymore or even tease her.

Seeing her slam the door on his face made him chuckle hard.

A smile etched on his face as he reminisced her childish behavior.

"Zach. It seems like this girl has really gotten into you"

A voice was heard from the other side of the corridor.

"Isn't she such a cute bunny?"

Zach asked as he stared at her door.

"There's nothing special about her.

She's even a low life"

Blaine said to earn a deadly look from Zach.

"Watch your silly tongue Blaine. I don't mind cutting it off"

Zach threatened.

Blaine sighed.

He was seeing a different part of his friend that he hadn't seen since they had known.

And from the look of things, this was no longer an amusement sort of thing.

It was like his friend was falling in love with the girl slowly.


The next morning, Cecilia woke up quite late.

She rubbed her eyes and heard a knock on her door.

She opened the door to find two guards at the door waiting for her.

"Good morning. We were sent to fix your shower"

They greeted.

They looked quite friendly.

She let them in an without hesitating, they started the work.

Before thirty minutes, they were done.

"Thank you"

She softly said.

They offered her a sweet smile then left.

She couldn't wait to enjoy her bath again.


After having her bath, she dressed in a silky gown and tied her hair into a ponytail.

She sat on her bed hungry.

She didn't want to go looking for Zach again, she might really be disturbing him, yet she didn't want to die of hunger.

She sighed. She really had no other choice than to go out.

Standing up from her bed, the powerful strike of thunder made her jolt.

It was going to rain.

The weather was already so dark.

But she couldn't resist it. She was really hungry.

She got out of the little building and started walking, hoping to find someone.

And soon she did.

"What is a pretty girl like you doing out here?"

A sly voice asked her from behind.

Turning her back, she saw it was one of the guard who came to fix her shower.

"Umm. I am hungry"

She said looking at him.

"Ooh. I see. I have plenty of food. Come with me"

He said and she jolted again due to the heavy thunder strike.

Unknowingly to them, someone heard and saw the both of them.


"How well did you sleep? Had wet dreams about the girl?"

Blaine asked immediately he got to Zach's terrace.

As usual Zach was there smoking.

"And if I did?"

Zach deadpanned.

Blaine smirked.

"Today is going to be such a rainy day. The perfect time for a young village girl to be raped, without anyone noticing it"

Blaine said loud enough for Zach to hear.

"What do you mean Blaine?"

Zach asked, now facing Blaine.

"What I mean, is that your dearest amusement is about to be brutally violated or ravished. Depends, if the person is a rough or calm person in bed. If it were to be me, I'll go gently to see what you really like about her"

Blaine deadpanned.

Zach's eyes widened understanding what Blaine was talking about.

He didn't have the time to walk or possibly run. He could get there too late.


He asked.

"End park"

Zach nodded immediately he heard Blaine.

He snapped his fingers, and disappeared into thin air, to appear at the front of the end park.


Hope you've been enjoying the book.

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Or check out my other book--- Her dearly detested husband