Are you the king?

Cecilia gasped as she took a step back from Jacob.

"Milord... Is this a joke?"

She asked.

"Cecilia.. I am serious... You can ask him. He is the king. I am his brother.

I know it's complicated for you to understand Cecilia... But you can ask him. He'll tell you. But make sure not to tell anyone else"

Jacob said as he looked at her with soft eyes.

"Let me take you back to your room"

Jacob said as he started walking ahead of Cecilia.

The atmosphere became tense as Cecilia became dumbfounded.

In no time, he led her back to her room door.

"Please. Think of my offer. I promise to treat you with love and care and..."

"Milord.. I'll think about it"

Cecilia interrupted him and locked the door.


Later in the day, Cecilia heard a knock on her door. But she was too weak to even get up.

"Milady, are you there?"

She heard Vivian's voice and her continuous knocks.

"I'll be there"

Cecilia groggily walked to the door and opened it.

"Good day Milady. The princess wants to see all contestants"

Vivian said giving Cecilia a light smile.

"Okay.. a minute"

Cecilia said then got into her room. She quickly changed into a comfortable gown and packed her hair into a loose bun.


On arriving the hall, she met the normal set of people. Few contestants, Linda, Jacob, and finally her eyes rested on Zach.

He sat with his knuckles on his jaw as his lazy eyes darted round the contestants.

But Cecilia couldn't help the gut feeling in her.

'Zach is the true king'

That word kept ringing in her ears.

But could it be true?


"Listen up contestants, sorry for the little activity that took place today. It needed to be done to show poor things never to steal from the elites"

Linda scoffed as she looked at Cecilia.

She was still loathing Cecilia.

"But since today is Friday, we'll he giving you a peaceful weekend... And activities starts from Monday again.. As well as a princess being eliminated"

Linda said..

After speaking about it, she dismissed them.

Cecilia's eyes darted to look at Zach again and she bit her lip. She was confused on what to believe. Definitely no one would come up with a lie, or try to give his royalty to a mere guard.

She rubbed her temples as she walked out of the hall.


Vivian led her back to her room. It was already late in the night, so she took her bath and slipped into her comfortable pajamas.

She lay on her bed waiting for Vivian to serve her, but Vivian didn't come.

She balled her hands into fists as she close her eyes.

'I won't go out this night. It never ends well when I go out on my own'

She thought as she closed her eyes.

And soon, she slept off.


"You sent for me, Milord"

Vivian bowed her head to acknowledge Zach who sat comfortably on a bench as he received the cool evening breeze.

"I did"

He deadpanned as he stared at nothing in particular, but he was staring.

"Don't serve Cecilia tonight. I'll do so myself"

He said as he ticked his tongue inside his mouth.

"But Lord?"

She asked but immediately bit her lip regretting why she asked.

"I thought the maid who was gruesomely murdered would have thought you servants a lesson. But it seems like I was wrong. It will take just one made up story to get you in that position where you'll wish for death every day of your life.. Don't ask me stupid questions and just do as I say"

He said as he played with his tongue.

"Forgive me, my Lord"

Vivian quickly apologized and ran out before she'd offend him again.

Earlier, Zach had found Cecilia's behavior in the hall strange... He thought it was because of his confession to her earlier, but he noticed it was different..

And he wasn't one to let things slide so easily, especially when it came to Cecilia.


It was late in midnight and the only sound that could be heard was that of the crickets and the cold wind that blew.

But in a certain room, the silhouette of a man could be seen hovering over a peacefully sleeping petite girl. Cecilia.


His honey like voice whispered in her ears and it didn't take long for her to open her eyes.

She jolted seeing the person hoovering over her on the bed.


She softly but slowly muttered.

"Yes love..."

He drawled sexily.

"What..what are you doing here?"

She asked as her brows furrowed.

"To check up on my girlfriend."

He shrugged his shoulders as he spoke.

Cecilia let out a sigh.

"I am doing fine... Thank you.."

She said trying to dismiss him.

"Sweetheart, why does it look like you have something to tell me... You know, you're like an open book, all emotions easy to read"

He said with his sweet manly voice as he traced her neckline with his nails to see her shudder.

"You look sexy when you do that. And I like it when you do it for me alone... So darling, speak... Else I will have to force it out of you"

He said calmly, but she was no fool. She knew he was threatening her, but wasn't making it obvious.

"I.. I don't have anything to say to you.. I am uncomfortable with our position. You said you wouldn't do what I don't like sexually right?"

She asked in her soft voice and he chuckled.

"I knew you wouldn't tell me bunny. At least not so easily. But I will ask calmly again. What do you have to say to me?"

He asked as a malicious grin enveloped his face.

"Nothing.. go away"

She said biting her lip.

"Sweet bunny"

His ragged voice coerced her skin and she shivered.

"Are you the king?"

She closed her eyes and asked him.

Minutes passed with Cecilia still closing her eyes.

She took a peek, and from a peek she opened her eyes to look at him fully.

"Who told you that?"

He asked.

All of a sudden, the atmosphere became choking as Zach reeked of bloodlust.

"I said who told you?"

He asked his voice getting deeper and scarier.

She gulped.

He looked really menacing.

"I.. I asked you first"

She whispered but his next move shocked her.

He got off her bed and getting to her door, he opened it.

"You learnt the truth beforehand. I don't know your fate now Cecilia"

He said then left her room.


Dear readers...

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You can check out my other book----- Her dearly detested husband... Available on webnovel.

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Love you all(Wink)