Be my slave

Cecilia was tongue tied after hearing him.

Does that means it's true?


Zach's jaw clenched as he approached his quarters.

He bit his lip angrily as he slipped a cigarette from his pocket and lighted it.

'Who in the world told her?'

He asked himself.

"Don't work yourself too much Zach"

Blaine deadpanned as he stood in Zach's way.

Zach seeing Blaine at his front let out a sigh.

"You can hypnotize her, wipe her memory. She'll never remember"

Blaine said as he too smoked.

"I can help you if you don't mind"

Blaine continued.

"Whoever did this, wasn't so smart after all, as I am already ten steps ahead.... Don't worry Blaine, sooner or later, She would have found out. So it's good I use the situation to my advantage"

A malicious smirk washed his lips.

"If you say so"

Blaine sighed then vanished into thin air.


Cecilia slept uncomfortably... Her head was filled with so many thoughts until daybreak.

She tossed and tossed, her mind clouded with thoughts.

When it was immediately 6am, she jumped out of her bed to the bathroom.

Through the little mirror in her bathroom, she could see her eyes swollen.

She gasped...

It was true she didn't sleep well, but the bags underneath her eyes were just too much.

She quickly had her bath and slipped into a corset and skirt.

She sat on her bed still thinking.

Then a knock was heard on her door.

'Is Vivian here so early?'

She asked herself and got to the door.

Opening it, she saw two guards; ones she had never seen before.

"Good morning Milady"

One of the guards greeted.

"The king asked us to bring you. Please follow us without complaining"

The other guard said and without even waiting for her response, they pulled her and started walking with the two guards holding her hands at her two sides like she was some sort of criminal.

Cecilia obliged and followed them, to God knows where.


The large doors opened. Cecilia's eyes wandered around the room. It was empty.

But there was something significant about this room.. the way it was designed.

It had some strange looking furnitures. But why the place was empty, she didn't know why.


A deep voice echoed in the hall like room and the two guards left immediately.

A pair of red eyes approached her.


He got to where she was standing and grazed her brows with his thumb.

"Someone didn't sleep well. Why?"

He asked her as he placed his arm around her waist.

"Where is this place?"

She spouted..

"I think I asked you first. Didn't I?"

He asked still grazing her brows.

"Fine... I couldn't sleep... It happens at times, I think it's some sort of illness"

She lied trying to free herself from his grip.

"I think it's insomnia"

She softly said and his grip on her waist tightened.

He moved his thumb from her brows and grazed her bottom lip.

She shuddered. His hands were cold against her warm lips.

"You sure don't know how to lie, bunny"

He chuckled shortly.

"I'm not lying"

She blurted using her small hand to push his thumb.

His lips twitched as he watched her.

"Why am I here?"

She asked still trying to remove his thumb from her lips.

"To be judged... It's called prying, bunny. Finding out the truth beforehand is not good... Not good"

He said removing his thumb from her lip and slipping his hand into his pocket.

Cecilia's eyes went wide and she swallowed. It was a court room.

"You mean... You're the king?"

She asked using her hand to push his arms that were wrapped around her.

"Sweet bunny. What sort of trouble have you dug for yourself?"

He asked as he returned his thumb to her lip.

But coincidentally, Cecilia bit her lip in fear and bit his thumb too in the process.

She looked at him expecting some reaction, but instead, his face stayed the same.

She turned her gaze to look at his thumb. It had a little scratch where little black blood seeped out.

Her brows furrowed.

'Black blood?'

She asked herself.

She closed her eyes and sucked on the thumb which remained on her lip.

Zach for the very first time in years, became surprised.

"What do you think you are doing?"

He asked the little thing sucking his thumb.

"I am trying to suck the blood off"

She replied to see his lip twitch.

He stared at his thumb, and for a minute, his face creased. But then he decided to ignore it.

"Some of the prominent council members will be visiting today to judge you..."

He said to see her expression turn sour.

"Wh...what? Will I be killed?"

She asked as a lump found it's way to her throat.

"Probably... You pried into the affair of the royal household"

He deadpanned.

A tear rolled down her cheek.

"Shoosh, don't cry bunny"

He said with a smile and he wiped off the tear with his thumb.

"I.. I don't want.. want.. to die..."

Another tear rolled down.

"And.. it wasn't intentional"

She said again and immediately, her eyes widened in realization.

"You're the king right? You can help me.... I don't know how it works.. but I am sure your decision matters"

She said as she wiped her tears.

"And what makes you think I will do that?"

He asked her.

Cecilia thought hard on what to say before she finally spoke

"Maybe because I am your girlfriend"

She said.

"Hmm. Not enough"

He deadpanned.

"Or probably because you love me"

She said again to see a smirk appear on his face.

"Ooh.. Not enough reason bunny"

He said again and she frowned.

"Then just help me"

She pouted.

"Of course I can... But it won't be for free"

He said as he played with his tongue.

Cecilia thought hard on what she could offer him, but as the king, he could have anything he wanted in a snap of his fingers.

"Be my slave Cecilia. That'll cover up for everything. I'll help you win the case"

Her face paled as swallowed.


Her little lips quivered as she asked herself.


Dear readers...

How do you see the book so far..

Is it to your liking. If yes keep reading as the best is yet to come...

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Follow me on Facebook for more updates on the book----- Authoress Frostbite

Note__ I won't update weekends for now. I need some time to rest so I won't fall sick.

Love you all(Wink)