Punish the girl


She finally opened her mouth to ask him.

"Yes love... My personal maid... My slave... You won't be my sexual slave, though there will be touching, kissing, but no penetration"

He said hoarsely as he moved closer to her.

She kept moving back until her back hit the wall, then he had the chance to corner her..

Cecilia thought hard... Her life, or being the slave of the king....

She pressed her lips together...

"I'll take my chances in court... It might not turn out the way you say it"

She spouted.

His lips curled up in a smirk on his already adorned face.

"Aren't I handsome enough, sweet bunny?"

Zach asked her as his hands grazed her bared neck.

She shivered due to his cold hands.

On a normal day, Cecilia hardly stared at his face, and even if she did, she looked away quickly so he wouldn't say something stupid or rather turn into a staring competition.

"Answer me"

His voice became fierce and it made her gulp.

She moved her chin up to stare at him, and for a moment, she was dumbstruck.

Was this really Zach?

Because the person she was looking at had sexy smoking eyes, thick and dark lashes, full and symmetrical lips, broad shoulders and finally wavy and thick hair.

He looked gorgeous.

But how had she not taken note of this beauty.

Her cheeks flushed red with the thought that she was admiring him.

"I am getting impatient... Answer me"

He leaned in to her.

"Yes you are"

She quickly blurted but almost immediately, she regretted saying it.

"I am what bunny? Be specific"

He ordered but calmly.

"Why do you ask when you know what I am talking about?"

"Because I want to hear it from your mouth. I want to see your soft lips quivering as you say it. Do you now know why?"

He asked leaning in to her.

"You are handsome Zach"

She quickly said to avoid any other conversation on that topic but almost immediately, her face flushed.

"So why do you despise me?"

He asked and Cecilia opened her eyes wide in shock.

'Did I really treat him so bad?'

She asked herself feeling guilty.

She was about to deny his claim when he spoke

"But I don't care if you despise me bunny..... You have no say, your heart already belongs to me"

He deadpanned and without saying a word, he walked away from her and out of the hall.

Cecilia pressed her lips together as she made her way towards a wooden bench in the room awaiting whatever was coming for her.


An hour later, the door flung open and six people entered all dressed casually but one thing was noticeable about them..

It was the golden badge on their clothes that read - Council member.

Cecilia gulped.

It was true that she was to be judged.

She bit her lip as she bowed her head in respect.

There were four boys and two girls...

All of a sudden, Cecilia's heart started pounding.

Linda entered and then followed Jacob.

Then the last person to enter was Zach.

Their eyes locked for a second and then he quickly looked away.

Cecilia bit her lip..

She knew there was no escape for her now.

"We are really busy today, but we found the time to come here"

One of the councilwomen said.

"So, we wouldn't want to waste any time. Milord, can you tell us the reason you called us here?"

The councilwoman continued now addressing Zach.

Cecilia couldn't believe what she was hearing.... So it was Zach who called them...

She spared him a look but he wasn't looking at her. Instead, he had an aloof expression on his face.

"Cecilia found out about me being the king... But from who... I don't know... And I think she did so by prying"

Zach deadpanned.

"And by Cecilia, you mean?"

A councilman asked Zach.

"The village girl right there"

Zach pointed to Cecilia.

Cecilia tried to read whatever expression he had, but it was impossible. The only thing she knew right now, was that he had an icy aura engulfing him.

Earlier, after Zach left the hall, he stared at his thumb that Cecilia had licked. It had healed completely.

Yes, he was a purebred vampire and a partial demon which made his wounds easier to heal, but he hadn't taken blood for some days which made him wonder how the wound had healed.

When Cecilia licked his thumb, he felt something... He thought at first that it was the sweet pleasure of Cecilia licking his thumb, but later, he realized she was healing it unknowingly to her.

He ruffled his hair with his hands.

He had a hunch, that very soon, his life would become more complicated than ever...


Back in the hall, Cecilia was dumbstruck.. The council people were all judging her, either they spoke in her favour or against.

"So Cecilia, how did you know about it?"

A female council woman asked.. she had been the one asking questions.

"I.. I had a hunch"

Cecilia tried to compose herself, but it seemed impossible.

"Well... Tara..."

The council woman called and almost immediately, the doors to the court room opened to reveal a hooded lady.

"Tara my friend has the ability to detect if a person is lying or not... All she has to do is to touch your hand"

The council woman said and Tara approached Cecilia and getting to Cecilia, they both held hands.

Apart from Cecilia's pounding heart, there was another heart beating like crazy.


He knew he was about to be exposed.

"So I ask again.. Cecilia was it really a hunch?"

The council woman asked again.

By now, Cecilia was the epitome of confusion. She knew not what to say and if one took a look at her, she had paled while her body felt cold immediately.

When Tara came in contact with her, she felt a weird connection binding them both.

"Someone told me.. but pardon me, I won't be saying the person's name"

Cecilia said and Zach tilted his head really amused.

Almost like he was watching a movie.

"She is speaking the truth"

Tara said and dismissed herself.

Cecilia heaved a sigh.

"Well, your personal decision... Milord, since the queen is not available right now... You are hereby going to punish the girl"

The council woman said, and a faint smile appeared on Zach's lips.


Dear readers...

How do you see the book so far..

Is it to your liking. If yes keep reading as the best is yet to come...

If not, kindly find another book to read.. But I assure you, you will really miss out

Follow me on Facebook for more updates on the book----- Authoress Frostbite

Note__ I won't update weekends for now. I need some time to rest so I won't fall sick.

Love you all(Wink)