Mark you

Cecilia's heart pounded hearing the councilwoman.

She didn't know the kind of penalty Zach was going to give to her.

Zach lazily stood up as he locked his eyes with hers until a smile tugged the corner of his lips.

"You lied at first, well I heard people from the village do that a lot"

Zach began as he shrugged his shoulders.

"And you tried to snoop in the royal affairs... Also, you hid whoever told you about it... Not my problem as you'll be suffering for that person"

Zach deadpanned.

Cecilia bit her lip... She knew she did enough.

"So, from the Shawn family, I'll like to take Dan Shawn your sister to be my slave. What more than watching someone you love to serve a ruthless king"

His lips now formed into a full smirk.

Cecilia's face paled further... She couldn't believe whatever he was saying right now.

Dan? Her sister? A slave? To him a ruthless king...


She yelled and everyone in the room turned to her.

"I will be your slave instead"

Cecilia replied biting her bottom lip nervously


The meeting didn't last long. Zach asked Cecilia to wait for him in the hall while he chatted with the council people.

And for Jacob, his heart tugged. Cecilia defended him till the end. He felt bad.

While Linda was so happy that Cecilia would be kicked out of the contest and reduced to not even a servant, but the lowest rank one could find.

A slave.

After some time, Zach finally entered the courtroom again.

It was just the both of them now.

"Why.. why... did you do it"

She asked softly seeing him approach her with a smile.

"I sure know how to get whatever I want. And finally, you requested to be my slave yourself"

He chuckled shortly as if it was amusing him.

"So what's with being a slave?"

She asked to see his face turn serious.

"As I said before bunny, there will be kissing and slight touching between us, but no penetration"

He stood in front of her watching her nervous face with a smile.

"Or if you don't want, Dan would do it instead and if you want neither of the both, your life will go for it ...

He drawled and a chill ran down her spine.

"Am... I still..?"

"No bunny, you have automatically been eliminated from the contest"

He quickly spoke as if knowing what she wanted to speak about.

"So bunny?"

He uttered sexily as he pushed her on the chair at her back.

Due to it being unexpected, Cecilia hit her butt hard on the bench and she let out a low cry.


He chuckled and then all of a sudden moved closer to her.

She was sitting, he was standing.

"I will get my lawyer to prepare the documents. You will be my slave for two months, darling... And in the space of that two months, you will relocate to my quarters, cook for me, wash me, give me titillating massages, and much more sweet"

He said in a husky tone.

She knew she was stuck with him... Until the thought entered her head...

Running away.

"What are you thinking of, my sweet girl?"

He asked as a smile tugged the corner of his lips.

"Nothing you should know of"

She blurted...

"I thought you were a good person Zach... I thought you dote on me... Then why do you want me to be your slave?"

She asked as tears obfuscated her eyes.

But looking at him, she knew he wasn't fazed.

"You start tomorrow... From tomorrow, your duties as my slave begin. I will mark you"

His lazy eyes flickered around the room and she swallowed.

"Mark you as my slave. But since it is just two months, it will be a temporary marking."

He played with his tongue inside his mouth.

Cecilia was seeing a part of him she never knew existed.

She never for once imagined she would be the slave of anyone, talk less, the king. But here she was without an option... And he even threatened her life.

The only way was to escape. But she knew she needed time... Enough time to plan.

"I sometimes wish I was a mind reader. To read everything going on in that little head of yours"

Zach uttered.

"Seems like someone is tongue-tied...Let me take you to your room"

He clasped her hand and pulled her up from the chair.


It was a mum walking to her room. Cecilia outlined her plans on how to run away while Zach focused solely on her different emotions.

"Thank you"

She murmured and opening the door, she entered her room.

Zach didn't find her demeanor strange. He expected it to happen.


The day passed by quickly and the next morning, Cecilia was awakened by loud knocks.

She groggily walked up to the door and opened it to see two guards.

"Good morning Milady, the king desires to see you"

One of the guards said to her.

By the king, she knew who they were talking about.


"Okay. Give me some time to get ready"

She muttered as she closed the door to get ready.


In less than ten minutes, she was ready

One of the guards took the lead while the other entered her room to start packing her things to the king's quarter.

She was led to the king's quarter. Precisely his garden.

Zach sat down on a divan that had been prepared for him specially.

"Good morning Milord"

Cecilia greeted him as she got to him.

Zach looked taken aback by her greeting and a small smile appeared on his face.

"Come here sweet"

His deep voice ordered and she moved her legs towards him.

"How was your night?"

He asked.

"It was fine Milord. How was yours?"

She asked but instantly regretted asking him.

"It was delightful. I visualized you by my side throughout... Why would it not be pleasant?"

He asked in his teasing voice and Cecilia could not help but inwardly sigh.

"It is good to know you care about me sweet"

He smiled but all Cecilia felt like doing was hit him in the face.

"I don't"

She mumbled but it did not go unheard by him.

"Do you need a special invitation to sit?"

He asked and she sat on the little stool opposite him.

"I want us to have breakfast together. The food will be brought anytime soon... But before then, tomorrow evening, we will both be attending a soiree held by the chief of the east. His daughter got married recently so we will be going together"

He said, but something else was going on in Cecilia's mind.

Runaway during the Soiree.


Dear readers...

How do you see the book so far...

Is it to your preference If yes keep reading as the best is yet to come...

If not, kindly find another book to read... But I assure you, you will miss out

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Note__ I won't update weekends for now. I need some time to rest so I won't fall sick.

Love you all(Wink)