
Something was telling him that if the bath continued, he might do something to her that they would end up regretting.

But how could he let this slide away? His sweet bunny washing him.

He thought.

After washing the first half of his body; his upper body, she decided to proceed to the lower part.

Crouching, something poked her.

But she did not know what poked her.

She moved her hands to feel what poked her.

Though she could not see, she noticed something.

It was hard, thick, pointing at her, and smooth.

She grazed her fingers on it touching it here and there deeply amused about what she was touching.

She now clasped it with her hand as she moved it to and fro trying to discover what it was.

She first thought it was Zach's finger, but it was too big to be that.

Then what was it?

She asked herself.

She kept moving her hands on it to hear a loud groan from Zach.

His eyes flew open as he grabbed the girl beneath him and slam her on the wall, pressing his weight on her.

The cold pair of red eyes looked at her with something still poking her in her thighs.

"What were you doing? Seducing me?"

His voice came out rough and hoarse sending chills down her spine.

"Did I do it right? I was just curious about what that thing was"

She said innocently and a dry chuckle escaped his lips.

"Well, you just woke up a sleeping monster... And now you will face the consequences of your actions"

He whispered in her ears sending a sweet sensation to her stomach.

"I did nothing... I only washed you when it poked me"

She bit her lip trying to escape from him.

"I am afraid Cecilia. There is nothing I can do... Except for one thing"

His voice came out low but husky.

"Clasp it again, move your hands on it as you did before, but this time, faster. Let's put the monster back to bed"

He said in a rough voice.

Right now, something played in his eyes, something dark, dangerous and it scared Cecilia.

"Will you leave me after that?"

She asked innocently to see him nod.

She gulped looking down.

And now her instincts took over her.

All she had been touching all this while was hi... And he asked her to touch it again.

"Do I,t Cecilia, don't keep me waiting"

He said in a sharp tone.

She move her hand ever so gently and clasped it she did before, but this time tighter. She moved her hands gently and she heard him groan as he bit his lips.

"Go on... Yes... Faster... Faster"

These words flew out of his mouth while Cecilia kept doing what he asked her to do.

And in the next second, his lips covered hers.

Cecilia's eyes flung open in surprise immediately after his cold lips touched hers.

His tongue pushed open her mouth and he kissed her with so much ferocity.

"Don't stop... Don't"

She could hear his deep voice in her mouth. She kept moving her hands faster while he kissed her then he let out a long groan in her mouth following something hot that dropped on her palm.

He pulled away from her as he ruffled his hair with his hand.

Cecilia gasped quickly washing whatever liquid that was in her hand.

He looked at her with so much desire in his eyes but she didn't notice it because she was too busy washing her hand.

"Was that your first kiss?"

He asked hoarsely as he looked at her.


She replied.

He let out a sigh...

"Go to your room. Sleep well"

He ordered and she quickly left his room.

Due to their rooms not being too far apart, she located her room with ease.

Getting to her room, she lay on her back facing the ceiling.

Her heart kept thumping at a fast pace and she couldn't help it. She was happy that she did not finish the bath, yet annoyed that he stole her first kiss.


Back in Zach's room, he sat down on a stool in the bathroom still naked.

He bit his lip, he couldn't control himself and he kissed her.

Now he had two problems, she had aroused him to the peak, but yet wasn't there to pay the consequences of her actions, and the bigger problem, after tasting her lips, he wasn't sure if he could go a full day without kissing her.


She opened her eyes to find herself in a lonely corridor. One she had seen before in her dream, but this time, she could hear the faint whispers of voices ahead.

Cecilia fastened her pace until she got to where she was hearing the voices.

She saw Zach brutally beaten as he spouted out blood. His face contoured in pain, but a smile was on his lips.

Two women dressed in white dresses conversed but Cecilia could not hear them.

She moved her legs towards Zach trying to touch him, but her hand passed through his body. He couldn't see her.

She wondered why.


She called out but he couldn't hear her, and neither could the two women.

Then it occurred to her, that no matter how hard she tried, these people would not see her not hear her.

But it had never happened to her before.

She wondered.

Or was she seeing something she wasn't supposed to see?

Was that why she could not be seen nor be heard?

She sighed watching whatever was going to happen.

The two women finished the dialogue and walked up to Zach. They started fixing pipes of all sorts into his body and soon, they started to drain all the blood in his body.

Zach let out an Almighty scream and Cecilia couldn't help but close her ears.

She reached the women and tried to pull their hands off him, but just like before, her hands passed through their bodies.

"Now, we've drained almost all of your sick blood... Will you kill her now?"

One of the women asked Zach in anger.

Zach coughed out blood but a smile remained on his face.

"If it's about my sweet girl... I won't kill her, Alala or not"

Zach said in a low voice then let out a chuckle in which blood oozed out of his mouth.

"Maybe you need more persecution then"

The other woman said then walked away. She came back with an iron rod that was now red due to being hot.

Cecilia wondered how the woman could hold it.

Then the rod landed on Zach's back with inhuman strength and Cecilia could not watch again.

She closed her eyes as if feeling the pains.


"Milady, are you in there?"

Vivian kept on knocking.

Cecilia opened her eyes, realizing she had been dreaming. But all of a sudden a loud cry left her lips as she held her head in pain...

This pain was nothing like the ones she had felt before.


Cecilia yelled holding her head in pain.

Vivian opened the door and got into the room to see Cecilia on the floor, struggling as blood oozed out her mouth


Dear readers...

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Is it to your liking? If yes keep reading as the best is yet to come...

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Note__ I won't update weekends for now. I need some time to rest so I won't fall sick.

Love you all(Wink)