Bring her back

Vivian became shocked.

Too shocked to even move.

All she was seeing was blood oozing out of Cecilia's mouth.

Then she decided to go call for help.


"The west lord was kidnapped yesterday. He has not been found, even till now"

A bald man sitting opposite Zach said.

He was currently having a meeting with some of the council people that gave him a report at the end of the week.

"Hmm. Have you sent a search party?"

Zach asked looking unconcerned about the missing lord.

"Yes, we have Milord. Till now, nothing"

The bald man replied.

"Okay then... Next"

Zach replied.

"A movie would be held in the theatre next Friday Milord, your presence is required to act a scene. Just a scene"

A female councilwoman said.

"I will think about it"

He said when Vivian barged into the room.

"Who is this thing?"

The council people got furious.


Vivian panted heavily holding her head.

"What is it?"

Zach asked getting annoyed that she interrupted his meeting.

"Lady Cecilia... It's lady Cecilia. She..."

Vivian kept on panting.

At the mention of Cecilia, Zach's demeanor turned cold.

"Speak Vivian. I have little to no patience"

He ordered.

"She..she..she. Blood. Spit...blood..."

Vivian said still panting heavily.

"This meeting is adjourned... Come another day, or write it in form of a letter. I'll see to reading them"

Zach ordered and just like that, he was out of the room.

Vivian couldn't keep up with Zach. He was walking too fast for her to even think of keeping up.

She decided to go drink water, probably it would calm her pounding heart.


Zach got to Cecilia's room and found her on the floor. He got to her and held her hand to see if she had turned cold. Even colder than him who was meant to be cold-blooded being a vampire.

His jaw clenched.

He checked her temperature and saw she was cold. But what kept him sane was the fact that she was still breathing.

He tried waking her up but she wasn't responding.

He carried her up and placed her on the bed while blood oozed from her mouth down on his white shirt. But he was less concerned about that.

After dropping her on the bed, he quickly disappeared to go call Blaine.


They both appeared together in the room. While Zach panicked inwardly keeping an unconcerned look on his face, Blaine sniffed the air.

"There is a sort of power here... A dark power. And it is residing in the sleeping girl"

Blaine said finally pinpointing what he was sniffing.

Zach was about to ask what Blaine meant when Blaine continued

"She is not human Zach. A sort of creature I have never smelt before... She is neither a human, a witch, a demon, a vampire... But something far stronger than any of those mentioned"

Blaine said as he looked at the girl on the bed.

Zach's jaw clenched.

Cecilia wasn't a human.

Could that mean that when she licked his thumb, she did heal it unknowingly?

"And I fear Zach, this girl will be your end... I fear the power residing in her is just too much, waiting for the right time to explode..."

Blaine deadpanned as he got to Cecilia and checked her temperature.

"As for what put her in this state, it was triggered... Something happened earlier to her. I wish I could tap into her memory and see what happened... Do you permit me?"

Blaine asked to see Zach nod positively.

Blaine brought out a card from his pocket and placed it on Cecilia.

He closed his eyes taking in the information he was seeing and hearing.

And after a few seconds, he pulled back.

"Bingo... I got it... Something triggered that... She saw something she was not supposed to see. At least not now. I think she saw the future... But I wonder Zach, you are the most powerful being I know in the world currently, but how will two women who look harmless put you in such a condition? Even, draining your blood. And all you could do was stay there helpless"

Blaine deadpanned.

"We can deal with all that later, bring her back"

Zach ordered not interested in whatever Blaine was saying. All he wanted was for Cecilia to be revived.

Blaine brought out a little bottle containing an ointment and he sprinkled the ointment on Cecilia severally.

"There, she would be fine in an hour"

Blaine said dusting his hand and keeping the ointment back into his pocket.

"One thing Zach, when you're free, bring that girl to me. I need to read her future"

Blaine deadpanned and vanished into thin air.

Zach bit his lip slightly as he looked at the girl on the bed.

He couldn't believe that his sweet bunny wasn't human, but something else.

His lips twitched amusingly.

Were there other things that he didn't know yet about her?


This chapter is not as long as the others because it is a bonus chapter.

I don't update weekends, just decided to.


Dear readers...

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Is it to your liking? If yes keep reading as the best is yet to come...

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Note__ I won't update weekends for now. I need some time to rest so I won't fall sick.

Love you all(Wink)