Dearly punished

Just like Blaine had said, she opened her eyes in an hour.

She blinked trying to adjust to the current brightness of the room.


She softly murmured.

Zach's brows twitched hearing her.


She called again oblivious of his presence in her room.

She sat up and rubbed her eyes trying to remember what happened. She did not know why she was mumbling his name. She just felt scared that something bad would happen to him.

"You're up"

Zach said in his cello-like voice and her head flung in his direction.

"You're here.."

She mumbled, but a little smile etched on her face.

Zach looked at her amusingly trying to wrap his head around the fact that Cecilia wasn't human.

"For how long have you been here?"

She asked gently still trying to recall everything that happened.

"Does that matter?"

He deadpanned and for a moment, she was taken aback by his response.

"I'll be leaving now... I have important things to attend to"

He continued and glancing at her one last time, he left the room.

Cecilia adjusted herself on her bed.

Then finally, it all came in... The blood, Zach, and the two women. No wonder she mentioned his name first after waking up. It was because of her dream.


Vivian served her breakfast in a minutes

"Milady, Prince Jacob wants to speak with you... He is outside"

Vivian said as she cleared the little stool she earlier served Cecilia's food on.

"Please tell him I will be there"

Cecilia smiled and Vivian nodded then left the room.

Cecilia sighed as Vivian closed the door.

She wondered why she was seeing Zach in her dream. And with so much gore...

She got up and made her way out of the building to see Jacob.

He looked nervous.

"Good day, Prince Jacob"

She greeted him as she got to him.

A smile etched on his face seeing her approach him.

"How are you doing Cecilia... I hope I did not disturb you?"

He replied and Cecilia smiled.

"No, you did not, Prince Jacob. I was curious about why you wanted to see me"

She replied to see Jacob's jaw tick.

"It's about what happened. I am sorry you are going through all this because of me. I should not have told you"

He said feeling guilty.

"It's okay, Prince Jacob. I protected you because I felt the need to. Let's put it in the past"

She gave him a reassuring smile that made his heart flutter.

"Umm, umm.."

He faltered and taking her hand in his, he kissed it.

Her face flushed deeply.

"Being all lovey-dovey in my quarters?"

Zach's voice echoed as he approached them...

"Jacob, there is your bedroom in case you want to do things like this. Cecilia is a very shy girl... I am sure she will prefer the bedroom to this open place. Right?"

Zach asked Cecilia finally getting to them.

Jacob gave Zach a bow, and so did Cecilia.

Zach looked at Cecilia amusingly before he turned to Jacob.

"Do well to take her to your room next time. She'll prefer it there"

Zach maliciously smiled at both of them.

"We were not doing anything Milord"

Cecilia blurted but almost immediately, her face burned red realizing what she said.

"And who said you were doing anything? I only said you will prefer the bedroom"

Zach shrugged his shoulders behaving oblivious.


Cecilia stuttered but couldn't speak as she was highly flushed.

"I'll be taking my leave now. Please do not desecrate my quarters with this unholy thing you both are doing... Take her to your quarters or even your room. That would be better... Just like the day she gave me a sumptuous bath... It was done in my bathroom, right? Somewhere private.

So please, save whatever you want to do, and do it somewhere private"

Something wicked danced in Zach's eyes and he walked away. But for Cecilia, she wished for the ground to open and swallow her.

How could he be so shameless?

She thought.

"You bathed him? Doesn't he have maids to do that?"

Jacob asked Cecilia as he quirked his brows.

By now, Zach had left the both of them.

"I... I'm his slave now, Prince Jacob"

Cecilia said as she bit her lip. But Jacob, his demeanor screamed disapproval.


After their brief conversation, Cecilia made her way back to her room.

The soiree was that evening.

She couldn't help but smile. She'll finally be running away from the castle.

She thought as she smiled.

The evening approached quickly.

Vivian helped Cecilia get ready.

Cecilia got dressed in a long-fitting red dress that hugged her body tight with little makeup applied on her face.

"There. You look perfect"

Vivian smiled.

Even Cecilia couldn't believe her eyes.

She looked beautiful.

Thank you. But I look so unreal"

Cecilia said softly.

Vivian chuckled.

"The king would be waiting for you"

Vivian said to her.

Hearing her, Cecilia's jaw clenched.

The same person who made her a slave.

She could not wait to escape.

To escape from his clutches.


His eyes darted around his room as he waited for Cecilia.

The door creaked and she came in, walking towards him.

Her face was contoured in anger.

But that only added to her beauty.

Her hair was tied into a bun and her face had a hint of makeup.

The gown hugged her body tightly showcasing her curves.

She looked so alluring. His eyes landed on her lips which he could not wait to taste again.

She walked gently, her heels leaving a faint sound on the floor.


She greeted him as she reached him.

Without replying, he stood up and wrapped his arms around her waist, bringing her to himself.

Her scent filled his senses, engulfing him whole.

"What are you planning bunny? Your heart has been racing since you stepped into the room. Don't try to run during this soiree because I won't let that happen... And if you succeed, you will be punished. Dearly punished"

He threatened while she swallowed.

How did he know her plans?

She asked herself .


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Note__ I won't update weekends for now. I need some time to rest so I won't fall sick.

Love you all(Wink)