The next day at school, Sandra tried to keep it on the low. She knew about her body type, and how many people were attracted to it so she wore baggy clothes to school that day, like Isabelle.

"Ouuuuuu, Biotch! Why'd you decide to look like a baller today." Isabelle said to Sandra wearing a surprised look on her face. Sandra was stuffing her things into her locker when she saw Isabelle. "Maybe I wanted to look like the coolest person in this school," Sandra said as she smiled.

"Oh come on," Isabelle said as she shied away from the matter. "So, where's Indigo?" She asked. "He went for his class," Sandra replied. "Huh, so early. It's not even 8!" Isabelle said wearing a surprised look on her face. "He has some issues with one of his assigned teachers. He doesn't wanna be tagged 'tardy' by her again." Sandra explained.

Jesse was outside the school, about to come in. The increasing chuckles and giggles of girls and some boys made Sandra confused. "What's going on?" She asked Isabelle. Rolling her eyeballs, she replied, "The school's heartthrob, Jesse Noriega," Soon Jesse came passing through the hallways. He walked with his guys and as they walked through the hallway, chatting and laughing, Jesse couldn't help but notice Sandra.

He looked at her wearing the most innocent look on his face, while Sandra got lost just by staring into his eyes. What the fuck is this guy doing to me? Sandra thought to herself. "Sage, Sage, Sage!" Isabelle said in a lowered tone as she tapped Sandra, attempting to jerk her back to reality.

"I'm sorry, my head hurts for no reason." Sandra lied, trying to cover up the fact that she is in love with Jesse. And in doubt, Isabelle said, "Alright, let's head to class shall we?"


In Jesse's class, their teacher was teaching them Mathematics. And as she taught, a paper was being passed through the back. Soon, it got to Jesse and he read it in his mind. It said, party tonight at Jacob's. Jesse wasn't in support of it but he passed it anyway. It was an all supernatural-themed party, except for vampires. It got to Elliott; the brother to Hailey. When he saw it, he got pissed that he tore the paper into several pieces.

It caught the attention of the teacher and she asked, "What was that young man?" Then he replied with haughtiness, "Nothing Ma'am, it was just a useless piece of paper with shitty information." Meanwhile, Jacob noticing what Elliott did to his paper, stood up with rage! Jacob was a Werewolf, while Elliott was human. "What the fuck did you do to my paper?!" Jacob yelled.

Elliott seated on his seat, turned back to give Jacob a highfalutin look as he chewed his gum and faced the board later on. "What the fuck!" Jacob said, wearing a surprised look on his face.

The teacher watched all these as she was aware of the supernaturals she had in her class. She thought that if she intervened, she would become someone's lunch. She was aware of the supernaturals because she's a descendant of Collins family. And it was only Collins family that was aware of the presence of supernaturals in their city.

The guys in the class told Jacob to calm down, including Collins and Mathews. "Violence's not gonna solve anything, Jacob. So sit the fuck back down." Jesse said to Jacob. Then he retorted, "Don't tell me what to fucking do Noriega. Vy's our Alpha, not you." The humans in Jesse's class couldn't understand what was going on. What Jacob said stung Jesse's soul, but Jacob couldn't care less, so he went for Elliott. He took him up from his seat and threw several punches at his face.

With blood running down his nose Elliott said huskily, "You're a fucking bastard!" As he yanked Jacob's hands off his jackets. Elliott threw punches too at Jacob multiple times. He put in energy to hit Jacob but not a single blood or bruise appeared on Jacob's face. He stopped, dazed by what he just witnessed. That was when their teacher knew that it was time to intervene.

"Please stop this already!" She yelled in her middle-aged high pitched voice. Jacob laughed hysterically, soon blood dropped down slowly from one side of his nose. He wiped them off with one of his hands then he looked at it and continued laughing. Then Matthew said, "It's enough dude."

"What was that? I think I heard a stray wolf talking." Jacob said with his hands on his ears as he howled. Then Collins defended Matthew by saying, "You heard right, Jacob. Stop this nonsense." At the top of his voice, Jacob said pointing at Elliott, "Until that sorry motherfucker tells me exactly why he ripped my paper apart, only then, will I stop this 'nonsense'."

Jesse wasn't having it, "There you go Jacob, it's just a fucking paper. Let it slide." Jacob was outraged by Jesse's words. "Stay the fuck away from this Noriega!" Then Elliott said, "You wanna know why I ripped your fucking paper because my sister's missing! She's fucking missing! And you want me to pass a fucking paper letting everyone know that you're holding a party at your house?"

"What does my party gotta do with your fucking sister? So she's missing, I don't fucking care!" Jacob said having no remorse and empathy for Elliott.

Devi sat on her seat growing impatient with the two boys. Then she stood up and went over to Jacob, "Jacob, everyone knows about your fucking party. I'll make sure that to have the sexiest and prettiest girls attend it." Then she turned over to Elliott, "Elli, I'm so sorry for your loss, I mean if we all wanna be real she might probably be dead, but since we live in a society where we can't tell each other the truth then, your sister's still missing and we'll find her alive."

She dramatically went back to her seat and said to their teacher, "Carry on Mrs Clark." Everyone was so amazed at how Devi solved the matter, though they didn't like the fact that she was a little bit harsh on Elliott.