Chapter 9. We must protect the bunny from the hungry beasts!

Asami walked up to homeroom and sat down at her desk. The peaceful sleep she had wanted did not come. She was too busy thinking about her new friendships to be bothered to get any sleep.

She didn't really have any friends when she was Liz. Not because anybody wanted to be her friend but because she wasn't really that bothered to commit to a friendship. She was too busy with her studies, and her passions as an Otaku. In school she would study and at home she would watch anime and play games. There wasn't any space in her life for a friend. She did have friends when she was younger but was too small to remember them anyway.

She didn't think there was ever a need for a friend. She did sometimes talk to people in her class but that was because one year in high school a teacher had noticed her not talking to anyone and then wrote in her report card under 'Class Behaviour' as 'Keeps to herself. Doesn't talk to many people. She should try to have some friends.' The teacher even went as far as grading her social interactions. She got an F.

She was pissed by that and apparently so were her parents. So the following years she would talk with people sometimes whenever that annoying teacher was around. It was irritating to say the least.

She had noticed that ever since she had interacted with the main cast they would give her condescending stares (Katsu) and curious glances as well. Today when she sat down at her desk she saw Naomi approach her. She couldn't help but slightly blush when she remembered yesterdays incident.

Naomi approached her with a sweet smile.

"Hey Asami-san!" Said Naomi.

"Hi" she said softly.

Naomi still smiling sweetly sat down beside Asami. She propped her chin in her hand and tilted her gaze towards Asami.

Did Naomi want to talk or something? What does she say?

Before she could speak Yasushi came towards her table as well. Agh another goddamn bastard to deal with. She screamed internally.

He smiled at the both of them but it was obvious that it was directed more towards Naomi.

He then spoke,

"Hi, Naomi-san and…"

He obviously heard her introduce herself yesterday so why did he pretend to not know her name today?

She mentally rolled her eyes and told her name,

"Asami, though I'm sure I said my name loud and clear yesterday?" She said tilting her head sideways, feigning innocence.

Her temper got the better of her and she decided to mess with him a little.

It seems Yasushi couldn't control himself either because he had a visible vein popping out of his forehead as he clenched his teeth.

Ha, this was going to be fun!

"I'm rather worried! Perhaps you have short term memory loss? You should consult with a doctor, a boy your age could be in danger if you're losing your memory this fast!" She said in a mother-like manner.

"I- your joking…right?" He asked sheepishly.

Then all three of them heard someone laughing out loud.

It was Yoichi. He was standing beside Naomi, holding her shoulder with his hand for support lest he fall to the ground with laughter.

His laugh was contagious even she laughed a little. Soon they were all laughing at the ridiculousness, including Yasushi who chuckled with hesitation. She wiped her tears of laughter and briefly apologised to Yasushi and scolded him at the same time.

"Sorry about that, but don't look down on people next time. Prioritising a person you like and then completely ignoring another individual is wrong. Don't do that the next time because I have a very colourful vocabulary when I get angry."

Killing is also wrong dude, she thought with a mental deadpan. She couldn't say that out loud though.

Yasushi was shocked to say the least. He had never been scolded by someone especially not someone of his age. He felt embarrassed for acting immaturely but was too prideful to say sorry back so he simply replied with,

"uh huh, like I care. Anyway Naomi-san, why don't we eat in the yard today at lunch?"

He completely changed his expression when he talked to Naomi. Which felt annoying to Asami. What a fake ass he was!

Yoichi was snickering at the entire situation at hand, he found it funny how bold his friend could be.

Asami glared at him and he shut up after that.

"Sure! Asami-san, Yoichi-san, wanna join?" Asked Naomi.

Yoichi nodded and so did she. Even though she was hesitent to interact with them again. She completely forgot her plan to ignore them and now she up and went to being their friend!

'There is no god.' She thought, quoting her favourite anime character.

Soon the bell rang signaling the start of class. Naomi returned to her seat beside Yasushi and behind Kyo. Yoichi sat down beside Asami and Katsu was…nowhere to be found? Oh well, it wasn't like she cared that much about it.


When it was lunch time the group of students walked to the yard and sat on the grass near the basketball court. The sun was shining brightly today and Asami closed her eyes to savour this moment of peace. They all ate their lunches. Naomi was talking with Kyo and Yasushi and she was talking to Yoichi.

Then in the distance a boy seemed to walking towards them. When he was near enough Asami saw that it was Katsu.

She groaned out loud by accident and everyone stared at her. She sighed and pointed in the direction of him. They all looked to see him approaching.

"I'm sure you'll be fine Asami-san! He's very forgiving!" Said Naomi naively thinking there was good in the world

Naomi was very cute indeed, but she could also be quite clueless sometimes. Was this her 'Mary Sue' personality showing?

Asami nodded anyway.

Katsu approached and sat down near Naomi. He put his arms around Naomi and put his head on her shoulder, completely ignoring everyone.

Naomi looked surprised and slightly blushed.

Kyo and Yasushi were completely flabbergasted.

Asami was burning with rage, which didn't go unnoticed by Yoichi.

She felt angry. She knew how dangerous Katsu really was. She had to save Naomi somehow! With the position they were in, he could easily choke her at any time. She couldn't just let her friend die like that! How did their romance even develop this early on! It's only been three days since school started goddamn it!

That's when she decided. She would protect the innocence of the bunny. Even if she had to go against the vicious beasts!