Chapter 3

This was a very old-fashioned scene, and Eloy had thought that reality would at least be more normal. When her former boyfriend and her former friend stood in front of her, she understood the absurdity of reality.

Some people were still lamenting about life, some actors had already started her performance, Miranda ignored the sudden increase of rain, a few steps up the corridor, then wanted to grab Eloy's hand, but she dodged.

Miranda was not embarrassed at all, and smoothly put her hand over her mouth, before the words came out, tears had already fallen.

"It's all my fault, really, I'm sorry for you. You can let me apologize all you want, but you can't ignore me!"

Eloy's eyes rolled up to the ceiling, and she shot an impatient glance at Klem, who was standing behind Miranda, hoping he would hurry up and take this annoying woman away.

But the other party misunderstood what she meant. Although he stepped forward and pushed Miranda away, he didn't leave, instead he held her hand with guilt written all over his face.

"Sweetheart, I was wrong, but I really didn't know what happened that night, and you have to believe that I would never betray you."

What? What was all this drama? Shouldn't she wear a cross on her way out the door and tell all these bloodsuckers to get lost.

She shook off his hand, then grunted coldly as she narrowed her eyes and swept them across the two faces in front of her that disgusted her.

"Come on, stop acting." She chided coldly, "Klem, don't play innocent and affectionate for me, I have informed you long ago that we have broken up. Don't find excuses here, you're not going to say you were drunk, are you? You can't get a hard-on when you're drunk."

"And you," she looked again at Miranda who was still wiping her tears, the boredom in her heart increased again, "we used to be friends indeed, but you betrayed me, we are strangers now, don't come to bother me, got it? Or you will see my anger."

I didn't know if it was fear or if there was nothing more to say, Miranda bowed her head into silence, and that was it, she mocked in her heart. But Klem was still not giving up, his eyes were almost pleading, "Why are we breaking up, Eloy? We were so happy in the past, can you give me another chance, I swear I won't let you down again!"

It was annoying, why couldn't he understand human words?

She grabbed him by the collar and pulled him roughly in front of her, and he looked stunned, not knowing what to do.


"Don't call me by my name, do you deserve it? I gave my whole youth to be with you, and this is how you repay me? Your mother has always said before that I am disobliging and not suitable for marriage, now I feel that she is not wrong, I can break up if I want to, there is no past to miss."

When she finished, she shoved him out of the way, and he was unprepared, stumbling backwards a few steps and almost taking Miranda down with him.

Eloy impacted out into the rain, leaving the annoying guys behind, but the rain was so heavy that it washed down and covered her eyes. It was very dangerous to cross the street like that, but she was in a hurry to get out of here; she still had to teach her class.

Suddenly, a white light shone from her right, and she squinted, with nothing but blinding white in front of her eyes, too late for anything.

She lost her center of gravity at the sound of the vehicle being a sharp brake and fell backwards to the ground, luckily the driver was good enough to stop just in front of her.

It hurt so much, her palm had been abraded and skinned, the blood was washed out by the rain and mixed together and flowed across her wrist. She was a little worried about how she was going to teach piano lessons later.

Klem had caught up with her, and he yelled after her, "Eloy! Are you okay!"

Damn it, she forced herself to stand up and pushed the driver, who was about to get out of the car to check on her, and then she opened the door on the back side and got in.

"Please drive, don't you guys even slow down at intersections in the rain? Take me to White Road, now we'll be clear."

The driver hesitated and started the car anyway.

Eloy was brave enough to get into the stranger's car, and after the car moved smoothly, the whole car fell into silence again, and she got a little nervous instead. Although she didn't have the ability to understand the brand of the vehicle without looking at the interior arrangement, she could feel the price of the interior decoration of the car was expensive.

There was a gentleman sitting a seat away from her, but she only glanced at his suit pant legs and black leather shoes. Again, it was a pricey style, but she didn't have a good impression of rich people at all, and she prayed in her mind that he wouldn't come after her.

But the gentleman didn't seem to have the intention to speak first either, and she gradually calmed down.

The rain outside the window slid confusing water stains on the car window glass, and she stared at the drops as Klem's face flashed through her mind. Not so heartbreaking did not mean that her heart did not feel, that could have been her boyfriend for many years, he was right, they did have a happy time, but how short that time was, and how ridiculous it was after she suffered a betrayal.

It would be forgotten, as the illegitimate daughter who lost her mother early in life, she knew best how to forget the hurt.

Suddenly a small sound came from her side, followed by a snow-white towel handed over.

" It' s soaking wet, wipe it off."

The voice was so nice and even a little familiar that Eloy turned her head over with confusion.

"Thank you...Mr. Felix?"

The towel caught only a corner, and she looked at Felix in surprise, freezing in her seat for a long time without moving.

He let out a tsk, wasn't this woman quite decisive just now? Now why was she frozen again. He moved over and gently pressed the towel to her face.

"Miss Eloy?"

She suddenly woke up again and took the towel as soon as she could.

"Thanks, I can do it myself."

She said she could, but just pulled the towel over her head and rubbed it casually a few times. The tips of her burning red ears revealed her current thoughts and he raised the corners of his mouth, she was kinda cute.

She had just seriously thought about the consequences of getting involved with him, but the day didn't end there, she saw him again. She tugged at the corners of her mouth and gave a very fake smile.

"What a coincidence, sir, what are you doing here?"

Felix gave a quizzical smile, "Because this is my car, Miss Eloy."

It was so awkward, she was just trying to find a casual conversation and ended up forgetting about the fact that she had forced herself into someone else's car, and that this person was him...

"I'm sorry for the mess, I'll take care of the cleaning."

It was a good thing that White Street wasn't far from the school, and Eloy probed and saw the familiar street sign, and immediately said goodbye to Felix.

"Take it easy and bring your umbrella."

The driver received the instruction and handed her an umbrella. After thanking him again, she got out of the car and blended into the rain.

Felix didn't give the order to drive, and the driver stopped where he was and waited. He was watching her back, obviously thin and weak, but harboring a destructive power. He knew the man who was chasing her, the young master of the Bird family. Felix had little interest in gossip, but was interested in her. Was it a young lover's quarrel, or...

There was a neatly folded towel by his hand, and he touched it as soon as he reached out. Casually picking it up, the soft touch of the towel reminded him of her just reddened ear tips and a smile surfaced on his face.

The driver was glancing at the state of his boss through the rearview mirror, but just happened to see the sudden change in his expression. He who was smiling a second ago suddenly became serious, his furrowed brow carrying thin anger.

"Drive and catch up with her."

Without having to think about who she was referring to, the driver immediately took off and rounded the corner to catch up with Eloy who was on foot.

The handkerchief he was clutching was stained with several blood stains, and his mind was irritated as to why this woman, already injured, was thinking of going to work first. He took a few steps to catch up with her, holding up his umbrella.

"Get in, I'll take you to the hospital." He grabbed her by the arm and turned her around.

"Mr. Felix?" After seeing the face of the person who stopped her, she gave a surprised expression, "Why are you still here?"

He didn't answer her question as he grabbed her wrist and flipped her palm up. It was just as he expected, she had scraped her palm when she had just fallen, the gravel from the tarmac had pierced her flesh and the whole palm was a bloody mess.

He frowned, Allen that kid piano level was just like that, he still took care of his hands so much, what was wrong with this woman?

"It's just some minor injuries, there's no need to go to the hospital." Her was average people and really didn't understand the emotional excitement of the rich. But she felt that it was not a good influence to have her wrist pulled by Felix on the street, so she used a little force to pull her wrist out. But he used his strength and not only did she fail to let go, his grip on her wrist increased in strength and hurt her instead.

" hurts!"

The hand was released, leaving several striking red marks on the wrist, Felix also noticed his disorder and couldn't help but soften his voice, "Why don't you go to the hospital?"

"I don't have time, I have classes, it's not good to be late or to take time off."

Her voice was lowered, it seemed she was not making excuses, but was really in trouble.

This woman was not only cute, but also seemed a bit pitiful now, and his demeanor was rare and solemn.

"You take your leave as usual, then go to the hospital with me. I'll pay for the full losses, after all, it was my driver who didn't slow down at the intersection in the rain."

The woman snapped her head up and looked at him, and slowly lowered her head, not knowing what she was thinking, and did not respond for a long time.

How big a deal, really need to be so entangled? He threw the umbrella to the ground, then bent down and picked up Eloy horizontally as he strode toward the car.

She exclaimed, noticing the searching glances of passersby again, and she immediately covered her mouth.

"Mr. Felix! Don't you mess around!"

"I'm not messing around," he said in a quiet voice, "I'm just taking the wounded to the hospital."