The Camp.

After a couple of hours we headed back to the camp that we had made. All the man were clapping and tapping me on the back. Theor was saying how excited he was that they wouldn't get robbed this time.

--This was a great victory, Theor said. I don't know how we could have done this without you my Lord.

--Don't worry, I said to him. I'm no Lord. I am going to help in the time that I have in any way that I can. Have you found anything about the rubies.

--No, nothing yet but I should be getting a couple of rubies by the next month, or so I hope. Theor said.

The same night all of the men were eating and having a feast with whatever we had, it wasn't much food to be honest but they were happy and that's what mattered. The man were talking about our victory and how we could get back what we lost from the Barbarians if we attacked their base. Attacking their base is a completely different story we would need a different strategy. The battle was easy because we outnumbered them by four times their size but in the base I didn't knew how many barbarians were waiting for us they could have more than us or less, it was a gamble for me. In the early battle we outnumbered them but to go blind it was stupid from my part.