Chapter 4

The next day Theor was looking for me. I was in a tavern having a conversation with a man called Max, he was a soldier who was telling me how happy he was that we won and how helpful I was, that made me happy, that made me really happy, knowing that I was making a difference. I was used to living in Georgia and not doing much just a mundane life playing video game and going out from time to time.

--That battle was amazing no one of us died or got injured. Max said. How we threw those javelins and we just wiped the enemy, do you think another victory can be won like that again.

--I don't know Max, well I'm sure if we get the Spears that I told you about we can have a bit of an advantage if they have more men at their base. I said to him.

Theor walked in.

--Hey Henry, I need a moment with you. Theor said.

--Yeah what is it? I said.

--Its about the attack on the base. My man have been scouting and have come back saying that the base has around hundred more man and it should be an easy victory for us.

--That's good, I said to Theor. This was a relieve, a bit of stress went out of my mind.

--Theor don't get too confident, you never know what could happen. I said.

--Yes my Lord. He said to me.

--I am no Lord, don't call me that again, I don't like it, you know that, I'm just trying to help.

--Yes I know am sorry. Theor said and proceeded to walk out of the tavern.

After a few more drinks with Max I headed back to the little house that I was staying in, I didn't had much there a bed couple of chairs, a table and some kind of kitchen where I can make food for myself but it was ok for a few nights.

I headed to bed after eating a roasted chicken that I bought in the tavern.

The raid.

The whole village was excited about the day, we could gain a lot of resources by defeating those Barbarians. The villagers were clapping and cheering as my man walked out of the gates.

--You see Henry how happy they are they have hope in us now more than ever. Theor said.

--Yeah I can see that. I said.

I was thinking on the battle ahead, I didn't wanted to get killed here. I was nervous, I was really nervous.

When we got to the Barbarians base I could see a circular wall made out of wood, it was a chest high wall with a couple of tents inside.

I could see people inside eating, talking doing everything else except ready for a battle. As soon as those people saw us they raised an alarm, some sort of horn sounded inside the base and a group of people came out the main gate with swords and shields.

--This is it. I said.

--Theor looked at me and said do we attack them?

--No! I said look they have women and children with them.

--Oh, yes I see them. Theor said.

--All of my man were ready for my signal. I turned to Theor and said.

--Do they speak the same language as us?

--Yes,Why? Theor asked.

--We can talk to their leader and make them surrender without a drop of blood. I said

--Yes, what an excellent idea. Theor raised a banner with a wolf painted on it and shouted. Who ever your leader is he may come forward and speak!!

A man double the size of the wall behind him emerged from the group of barbarians and shouted,

I am Ludwig the bear, and I lead this people!!!

Theor replied back to him. We are looking for a peaceful way to solve this and we would like to have a chat with you!!!

All of my man looked towards Theor and to each other.

The Barbarian leader was confused and took a minute to answer.

Yes, one on one talk is allowed. Said the barbarian.

Theor moved forward in his horse and approached the monstrous looking man that was now standing alone in between both armies.

--What do you want little man? Said the barbarian.