Chapter 5

--My name is Theor, I am the sherif of Termapos and I want to make you and offer.

The barbarian said looking up to Theor. I am Ludwig you may speak.

--As you can see we outnumber you and my soldiers are ready to kill anything in their way, I suggest you to surrender and go back to whatever shithole of a place you come from and leave all the food you have stolen from us.

The Barbarian clenched his right fist and said. We are only looking to survive and we will do anything to attain it, if death is the only way so be it!!!

Theor looked back at me and called for me.

I moved forward in my horse.

--What is it. I said.

--This man wants to fight, he sees no reason in surrendering. Said Theor.

--What are you demands my good man. I said to him.

--He wants to leave and take our food with….

--Theor, let him speak. I said.

--I want the survival of my people, I want them to have a good life. We do not like to steal but it's the only way that we can survive. Said the barbarian.

I looked at Theor and back at the barbarian.

--I see, can you man work? I asked.

--Yes they can. Replied the barbarian.

--Why don't you join us and live side by side with us in our village, you can make your own houses and plant your own food.

--What!!! Said Theor.

--It's the best outcome, I said we all unite and become a stronger village. More man in the army and more people to work in the fields. We both win. I said to both of them.

--I… I, yes, we come from Nourbia and the sherif there has been treating us as if we are worms to make him fatter while he does nothing. Said the barbarian.

--Nourbia…. But I thought that sherif Andrios was doing well for himself. Said Theor.

Yes, that's what it seems from the outside, but many of our people have been fleeing the city because of his tyranny and stupidity. Said the barbarian.

--Good, I said then you are more than welcome in our village, right Theor. I said.

--Yes, yes. We will help you gather your things and we can head back to Termapos.

Both man agreed and headed inside the little base.

After everything was collected we headed to Termapos, a good victory in my books but some of the barbarians were not happy with the fact that now they had to live and follow the rules of the people that killed some of their family members or friends.

As we rides back to the village I asked the barbarian now known as Ludwig how his village was.

--How many people live in Nourbia, I said.

--Around 1000 people are living as of right now. Said Ludwig.

--How's the army? I asked.

--What army, replied Ludwig. Most of the soldiers have left or are starving, sherif Andrios has been eating all of our food and waisting our money in expensive gifts for his wife.

--Oh, I see, would you and your man be willing to go back and reclaim that village and kill the tyrant? I asked.

He looked at me and raised one eyebrow.

--Gladly, its his fault that must of us have been suffering. I see no man that doesn't want to see his head roll. The only problem is the king he will not allow a noble man to be killed so easily. Said Ludwig.

--Theor! I said. What can be done so we can make Nourbia part of our village.

--What, are you crazy!! Nourbia is a bigger village than us and has more soldiers to defeat us two times over. Said Theor.

--No, they are in really bad shape, most of the people are starving and I doubt that they have the strength to fight. Said Ludwig.

--Its too dangerous. Said Theor.

--What if we visit them and see for ourselves, we can gather our troops place them out side the city and visit the sherif as a guest, if the situation is as bad as Ludwig says we can declare him a tyrant and attack him the next day. I said.

--Yes it's a possibility but I would need to have an audience with the king first. Said Theor.

--It's a plan then, we should start to make preparations as soon as all this people have been taken care of. I said.

As we arrived in the village people welcomed us and Theor gave a little speech about how the king of Nourbia had been starving his people and we took this refugees as our new citizens. The people cheered and welcomed the new people. I was surprised that there was not a single revolt about the announcement, probably the sight of food behind the refugees was enough to keep them happy.

After a couple of weeks Theor had an audience with the king, I could not attend because the king only allowed one person to speak with him at a time.

--Wish me luck boy. Said Theor before departing.

--Have a safe travel my friend. I said to him.

For the meantime Ludwig was the one in charge on the village and I was to help him keep the peace while Theor was gone.

While Theor was away I came up with an idea that Ludwig should marry a woman from our village so in that case he would be seen as one of them.

--Ludwig, are you married? I asked.

--No am not, why? Ludwig said.

--No I was thinking that if you would like I could arrange a marriage between you and someone from the village and make a stronger bond between your people and ours. I said.

--What?!, I don't see the necessity on doing such a thing. Ludwig

--But if something happens, what if Theor were to die, who would replace him as a sherif. I don't see anyone better than you, and by you being married to one of the lady's from the village it could help you be more respected. I said.

--I see, but I don't have any intentions on been a sherif. So I'll pass, thank you. Said Ludwig.

--Well, we need someone to be there if things go bad and I believe that you are the perfect man for that. I said

--Yes I might be but am not going to marry some girl that I don't know anything about just for political reasons. Said Ludwig.

--Yes, that's a good point, but you have to look for the well been of others not just yours, your people will follow you because they know you, the people from Termapos will not, they know nothing about you and if they see that you are married to one of them it would be easier for them to follow you, think about it. I said.

--Alright, I'll think about it. Said Ludwig.

The day had finally arrived when Theor was supposed to come back from the capital.

He's here!!! Shouted one of the guards in the main gate. Theor was here and with him news of what was going to be of Nourbia.