Chapter 15: Her Keeper

“Drop the gun, idiot. You know we can’t kill her,” Diego said with a disinterested tone, though he could feel his heart rapidly beating in his chest.

Tiny rolled his eyes harshly and pulled back the gun. Angela let out a long sigh once she realized this wasn’t her last moment on earth.

“That’s right,” Tiny spat in Angela’s face. “We can’t kill you, yet.”

She continued to focus on the door as if no one was talking to her. As if there wasn’t a giant, smelly man taking up her personal space.

“Don’t get too comfortable, though,” Tiny continued. “Germaine doesn’t like to play with his food for very long.”

With that, the man strode out of the room, slamming the door behind him. Diego took advantage of his partner’s stupidity to speak privately with Angela before Tiny realized he wasn’t with him.

“I’m so sorry about this,” Diego said quickly and earnestly. “I had no idea this would happen. I’ve been watching so carefully.”