Her shyness


Ruth rolled her eyes and took a seat across him. If he wanted to be grumpy and brooding all day why did he even invited her for company. First he just ordered her to sit in the passenger seat when she was about to go for back seat. He didn't even open the door for her and now he didn't take out the chair like every gentleman would have done. But it was Orion. She couldn't expect more from him.

As in que a waitress came to take the order. The way that waitress - Cathleen eyed Orion with her long fake lashes and deep red lipstick on her full lips arose a question in Ruth's mind.

' If he always gets that look from women no matter which place he goes.'

And she knew the answer to her question very well. He does. He didn't has to act to get the attention of another gender. Cut the gender part, it doesn't matter when the matter was Orion.

And he was accustomed to the attention. He gave the order of the food while that waitress who just wanted to jump on his bones couldn't help herself but to give him the pick me girl vibe, Ruth indulged herself to admire the look of that cozy cafe.

How come I never had been to this place before.

She wondered.

It gave the sense of old age house. All the artistry was done only with woods and clothes yet it looked phenomenal. The coloured light bulbs filled with water gave the finishing touch to the walls.

She waited for them to finish but before she could open her mouth to spell a letter the girl jogged back to the counter.


He didn't let her order food.

" You were busy admiring the place so I did your job and ordered for you. Trust me on this. "

She gave a nod. She could do nothing more.

" Its beautiful. I never knew there was a place - café like this. Its next to impossible to find these type of places in the middle of the city. "

She appreciated cause that place deserved it. In a world full of glass buildings this place would give you a feeling of rustic and alfresco.

" It belongs one of my friends. "

All along , his gaze read the minute details of her face. The way her eyes twinkled and her lips grazed a small smile while she talked about the café . The way her hairs blew across her face from the chilly wind coming across the window and the way she would softly tuck her- disturbing - hairs behind her ears.

" Really? He has a good taste. "

Ruth admitted the fact that Orion only befriended talented people. Everyone she had met till now who somehow were related to Orion were irritatingly skilled.

When Ruth felt his heated stare on her she turned her head only to crashed her eyes with his unholy ones. They were fixated on her and Orion didn't try to avert them ,instead he held her gaze, daring her to look away.

No one. Again no one has ever looked at her as Orion has. Not even Sal . Whenever Sal would look at her, his eyes were soft and happy. But Orion eyes were , she couldn't pinpoint the exact emotions behind them but his gaze held that power which made her heartbeat take a quick skip of beats.

Like they could see past her facade.

Like she was only one present in there.

His eyes left her eyes and were now set on her lips. She knew where his eyes were leering and unknowingly she did the same.

Following his action.

A dark chuckle left his lips. Ruth was aware of what she did. The heat of his gaze warmed her body causing the tint of pink to appear on her cheeks.


She focused herself everywhere but him. And like a shameful person Orion was he still has his eyes fixed on her tinted cheeks. The blush looked fucking good on her. Like a teenage girl shying away from his secret boyfriend.

He liked - loved it.

" Here is your food. Enjoy the meal..... "

The words of that waitress zoned out or more like he didn't want to hear her words rather he would like to listen the melody of the goddess sitting before him.

For Orion the etiquette which most of the gentleman followed didn't matter much. Even if it mattered to a little close to zero that was washed away this morning when he realized what he was doing. He was letting someone in. Which was not good. Not at all. Everytime who had made him happy, who had made him feel like he was a human had been snatched away from him.

But with Ruth it was like nature was coercing their fate. It felt like it had to happen .

What he was thinking didn't make a sense to him.

" Umm.... Its so so good. I'm in love with this place, this food. Now this would be my new chilling place ."

Orion saw that the waitress had already left and Ruth had even started tasting the dishes. Her shining eyes looked happy. She looked happy.

Ruth tried hard to not look upto his eyes. Not for once he had glanced to that waitress whose name was Cathleen or Carolyn she forgot. Like she understood earlier - they were on her as if she was the only woman.

Mirroring her his lips curled up in a smile. With the low beat of ' Harley's in Hawaii ' they both enjoyed their food.

" Why did you wanted to meet me. Anything major? "

Ruth wanted to know what was up with him that made him call her in the late night just to ask her for a company at lunch.

" Nothing. I don't need a reason to meet you. I wanted it. "

Back to his arrogance. Here she thought that the vulnerable voice she heard last night was because something tragic must happened but the reason was as childish as him.

" But I'm sure you have something to tell me. "

Ofcourse she had.

" Good for you. Now consider it our last meal together. "