His Boldness


" Oh really! But why? "

" Mind my words. This isn't the last time we are dining together."

Orion looked sure of his words , Ruth was surprised, the way he delivered his words, she also felt like it wasn't their last meal. Even if she wanted.

" Keep believing in your delusional self. "

Ruth said, although she was unsure of it.

" When is your show? "

Orion had a slight idea that she was preparing for some fashion show but didn't exactly knew when.

" On Saturday. But it shouldn't concern you. I have got all thing covered. "

'Why he keep poking nose in her business?'

Ruth wondered.

" Ruth , I'm investing in your business so yes it does concern me. "

" Right. Sorry. "

After that she finished her food in silence, without muttering a word which always backfire her. Orion was conjuring a plan in his mind to somehow convince Ruth to pass the day with him. Because he knew she would hate the idea of spending time with him.

After paying the bill they both came out to be on their separate ways, however Orion has other plans. But none of them knew what was going to happen.

All of a sudden there was firing and screaming of people who were running for their life. Orion jumped on Ruth to protect her. He dragged her small frame back in to the cafe. The tables were turned to protect themselves, Ruth latched herself on Orion, she was scared boneless. Never in her life she had seen a gun let alone face on the other side.

Her ears gave out and the only thing she could hear was her own heartbeat. But who was their target? She was no one. They would get nothing after killing her. There were not more than five customers who were looking as if someone had taken them to hell. They were scared. She knew. But they didn't look like they worth billions or some criminal.

Was that police?

No. They would have warned them if there was a criminal in the cafe.

While Ruth was chilled to the core Orion was furious, fire surged in his veins thinking who could target him. He had no rivals here. There were few small gangs other than that no big cartel. Then who?

He speed dialed Mark, just telling him he needed help.

" Who were they firing at? "

Her meek voice grabed his attention. Even in this situation his eyes didn't forget to appreciate her beauty.

" I don't know. But you are safe with me. I promise nothing will happen to you. Let me go check if the coast is clear. I think they are gone. "

" NO. Please No. What if they are waiting for someone to come out? "

Ruth was clinging to Orion, feared for his life. Although she didn't like Orion but didn't hate him to the point to push him in Lion's den.

" Ruth, if they wanted to kill someone, they would have entered the Cafe. But they didn't. They just wanted to threaten. "

He made a point. No one stepped in, they kept firing from outside.

" But why would someone do that?"

" I don't know. But I have to check, so that we can go to safe place. "

He assured Ruth. The few people present in the cafe were witnessing the duo exchange words. No one dared to go outside.

" Mark is on the way, but I have to ensure his safety before he comes here."

Tucking her hairs he cupped her cheeks. Looking directly to her beautiful stones, begging her to have trust on him.

" Someone call the police. "

A middle aged man who was close to counter mustered up some courage and ran to the phone booth. The waitress who had served them was sitting on the either side of them, all flushed. Shocked because of the entire situation.

Now Ruth wanted to take back her words related to this place, which she wanted to be her new chilling place, rather it was now her nightmare.

" Don't move from here Okay ?"

Ruth nodded , unable to form any words.

Orion checked near by areas thoroughly. No one. They were gone. He informed Mark about the situation and told him to bring two bodyguards.

Meanwhile Police got the information about the Cafe being gunfired on the daylight.

Both of them Mark and Police reached at the same time. They took notes of the place, the arguments of the customers and asked questions. Orion was a well known man, well known businessman in their eyes so it made the matter big.

However Orion didn't need their help. He could find them on their own. Those two local police officer didn't even knew the real Orion. They didn't need to know.

" They will safely drop you to my home. I have some business to tend to. "

Orion instructed to the two bodyguard who looked really scary to Ruth. Big muscles and bald headed.

" Your home? Not mine but why? "

" Ruth, there is a possibility that their target was Orion and if it is true then your safety is also a matter of concern, they have seen you with Orion in a cafe having lunch, you two look close. They could put their hands on you to get Orion. So we can't chances. "

Politely, Mark explained Ruth.

He did made sense. There were high chances.

'But why would someone wanted to kill Orion? ' Ruth wanted to ask that question. It was on her tip of tongue but the police officer interrupted them.

" I assure you Mr. Vassiliev we will closely look into this matter. Thanks for your cooperation. You can be on your way. "

The two bodyguards escorted her out to the car.

" You need anything you can let them know they are my most trusted men. I trust them with your security. "

His voice velvety and eyes soft. For the first time he had smelled fear from so close. Not for himself but for her. And this fear was different. No the type when he got the information about his brother accident or murder.

This was totally different from that . It had struck the deepest part of his heart. For Sal he felt hurt and more guilty that he couldn't protect his only family. But for Ruth it was like it was the end of his world.

He left her with bodyguards and went to Mark in the other car. He was still skeptical about living her alone but knew that it was necessary. He needed answers.