Taking in Childhood Friends

"Hey, Brother Scar, Er Dan, and En, pay attention and ask around in the surrounding villages, as well as our village, to see if there are any peers who are okay. If there are, can you help me talk to them and see if you can get them to join us?" Ye Yan gulped down a big mouthful of water and said. After all, the number of people he knew was limited, and he didn't know what their character was like. He didn't want bad people to appear in the sect.

"Oh, that's right," He seemed to have thought of something and quickly reminded the three, "Don't be too flamboyant about it, though. We can't let too many people know about it. Otherwise, I won't be able to deal with it if all sorts of people come."

Brother Scar was the smartest. Before Er Dan and Hong En even reacted, he smacked his forehead and said with certainty, "Brother Yan, what you mean is that we should let a small group of our peers know about this. Those troublesome adults should not know about our cultivation?"

"Smart!" Ye Yan nodded approvingly, "Just make them think that we're just kids playing. Before you have any results from cultivation, you should keep a low profile.

"Don't worry, Brother Yan. We won't let anyone know," After Er Dan came back to his senses, he smiled.

On the other hand, Hong En, who was not very eye-catching, seemed to be deep in thought. After a while, he asked, "Brother Yan, why don't we find those suitable and bring them to you? After all, you're more experienced and calmer than us."

Ye Yan and the others all agreed with this suggestion. With that, the task of recruiting people became a done deal without difficulty. After a short rest, Ye Yan expressed that he would like to take the few up the mountain to get familiar with the encampment and they set off for the mountain.

At the encampment.

"Wow! Why is there a willow tree here?"

"It looks very sturdy. I've never seen such a beautiful tree by the river before."

"Brother Yan, you didn't plant this, right?"

When Zhang You and the other two saw the root willow, they couldn't help but exclaim in awe because they had never seen such a lush and strong willow tree.

Chen Geng was watering the spiritual plants at the other end. When he heard the shouts of the others, he walked over, "Yo, you guys seem quite happy. Have you joined us?"

"Yes, they've joined us," Ye Yan nodded.

The three of them turned around and saw Chen Geng holding a water ladle. Their eyes immediately lit up and they surrounded him.

"Geng! I didn't expect you to be so powerful. Brother Yan told us that you're already at level 1 of the beginner Qi-forging Realm. Is it amazing?"

The three of them surrounded Chen Geng and showered him with praise. For a moment, Chen Geng was flustered. His face turned red and he said embarrassedly, "I'm just so-so. I trained for two days and two nights, but Brother Yan broke through to level 3 of the beginner Qi-forging Realm in two days. Don't you think he's amazing? "



At this moment, the brats were gathered and chatting enthusiastically. Sure enough, once the boys had a common topic, they could not stop talking.

Ye Yan stood at the side and saw that it was time to stop their endless conversation, so he interrupted them, "Alright, young men, come over and familiarize yourself with the sect!"

Next, he took the three of them to learn about the spiritual farmland, the root willow, the house, the barrier, and... The black stone tablet was meaningless to the illiterate trio.

After familiarizing themselves with the surroundings, they entered the topic of the sect's construction. Ye Yan said, "Well, the most important thing for our sect now is to build the facilities, like the hall and so on for the basics."

When Zhang You heard that they had to do construction, he immediately jumped, "Me, me, me! My father used to do construction work, so I know how to build a house!"

The rest of the people also expressed that they would do their part in the construction.

Seeing everyone so enthusiastic, Ye Yan felt very pleased, "Okay, but you don't have to do much this time. Just help me cut down the trees and dig the soil."

The brats were honest children. They had thought that construction was a difficult task at first, but hearing Ye Yan's casual words, they were stunned for a while and didn't react until a while later.

"Oh right, we're a sect of celestial cultivators, so spells are not a problem. Building a house is nothing. We just need to collect some materials," Having followed Ye Yan for a long time, Chen Geng had gotten quite smart. He patted his head and said his thoughts.

The rest of the people also said, "That's right. We'll be cultivators in the future. We'll naturally have profound abilities. Building houses is just a small problem."

Ye Yan looked around, thinking about the materials he would need in his mind. Although ordinary soil could be used, Ye Yan wanted something stronger, such as red soil, which was more solid than ordinary soil.

There was also the number of materials. He had some ideas based on his previous experience in the synthesis of spells and spirit soil. Perhaps the number of materials needed for the synthetic products was proportional to the number of materials put in, one-to-one. In other words, the number of materials depended on the size of the house he wanted to build.

However, Ye Yan didn't intend to make the hall too big. First, there was limited space on the mountain, and second, it wasn't easy to hide from others.

Not only did he have to build a hall but also the cultivation room. In the future, when the sect grew bigger, there might even be a need to build a library or a dueling arena. All these places needed space, so he had to plan it well now so that he could set up various facilities in the future.

Ye Yan's initial plan for the hall was about 50 square meters. After all, there weren't many people now, and there wouldn't be many more new additions during this period either, so it was enough. In the future, if the space was not enough, he could just tear the hall down and rebuild it. After all, he was a man with a good system!

The cultivation room was much easier to build. He didn't need to think too much. It would just be a simple open space where he needed some materials with good sound insulation.

He had already calculated the figures. He needed about 50 square meters of soil and 70 to 80 pieces of wood that were 4.5 meters long. Previously, Ye Yan had asked Ye Wen to make several bamboo baskets, and they came in handy this time.

They solved the easiest soil loading process first. Each person would only need to take about ten trips to bring enough soil. In fact, Ye Yan could simply do it by himself. After all, he only needed to wave his hand and collect all the soil he needed into the system grid.

However, he had another purpose for asking the others to do it. In cultivation, one had to cultivate the dao, the body, and the mind. Doing physical work would strengthen their physique and cultivate their patience and perseverance. This was the true purpose of cultivation.

"Hmm, you guys, use these bamboo baskets and fill them with the soil outside. After you're done, just carry them back. But be careful, don't force yourself too much. If you can't carry that much, just fill less. Just do it slowly again and again," Ye Yan was a little worried after saying that because the brats were too honest. They would do what they were ordered to, and even if they couldn't, they would force it with their lives.

If they were hurt due to their recklessness before even succeeding in cultivation, he really didn't know how to explain it to the villagers who would come to find trouble with him then.