Mrs. Liu's Attitude

The village kids were very simple. Hearing that Ye Yan needed their strength, Chen Geng and the others planned to go out and gather all the soil needed for the construction in a day. Ye Yan hurriedly said a few words, killing their immature thoughts.

"Hehehe..." Having their thoughts seen through by Ye Yan, the crowd laughed embarrassedly, their tan faces tinged with an unobvious redness.

Looking at their embarrassed appearance, Ye Yan patted his head. Just like he thought, this group of people had planned on being reckless. It seemed that they were still innocent and didn't realize the evil of society... No one noticed that Ye Yan's mouth quietly raised into a smug smile.

"But..." He paused, "I don't want ordinary soil. I want soil from the red soil area next to the mountain spring!"


His words were shocking! Everyone's expression froze at the mention of the mountain spring. The next second, a wail was heard, "So far away!"

The red soil area of the mountain spring was a place they had been to back when they followed Ye Yan everywhere. That area was especially steep and was far from the base. Wouldn't they die of exhaustion if they had to take so many trips?

However, since they had promised Ye Yan to help, Chen Geng and the others didn't want to go back on their words. Didn't they just have to make trips? So be it!

It was almost evening and it would be dark after sunset. It was unrealistic to dig now. Moreover, the most important thing now was to let the new members start cultivating. He had to let his disciples step into the ranks of cultivation as soon as possible.

When everyone's cultivation had increased, they would naturally not have to worry about such trifles. Ye Yan seized the time to let everyone comprehend the Dharmic technique. By the time the sun had set, it was time for everyone to go home. Ye Yan gathered them, saying that he had something important to tell them.

"Go back and tell your family some of the information that can be disclosed, but make sure they keep it a secret. They absolutely can't tell anyone about our sect!" His expression was very serious. This was definitely not a joke. He knew that the family members of these people in front of him were of good character and did not like to gossip, so he could rest assured.

However, out of caution, he still had to give some instructions, "I'm telling you guys, you can't let anyone know. We're in the same boat now."

After emphasizing it, Ye Yan didn't forget to remind them to cultivate at home. Then, they left.

After going down the mountain, Ye Yan took a detour to the Liu family's house. It was time to do what he had promised Liu Kan in the morning.

When he reached the door, he saw Mrs. Liu sitting there. He was shocked and turned to run away. However, Mrs. Liu didn't get angry at Ye Yan's arrival. Rather, she even came up to greet him, "Xiao Yan, you're here? You're here to look for Kan'er, right? Come in quickly."

Ye Yan was obviously surprised by Mrs. Liu's attitude. Although he wasn't familiar with the Liu family, Chen Geng had told him a lot about Mrs. Liu's temperament. Why was she so welcoming to him in looking for Liu Kan today? Could it be that Liu Kan or Liu Hui had told her what he had done? Ye Yan was a little confused as he followed Mrs. Liu to Liu Kan's study.

"Kan'er is inside, go and find him then," Mrs. Liu said kindly and went back to her business.

Ye Yan knocked on the door, and a voice came from inside, asking him to come in. As such, the former pushed the door and walked in.

"You're finally here," Liu Kan was sitting inside, looking like a scholar as he bowed to Ye Yan.

Ye Yan scratched his head and sat down for a rest, "I just came down the mountain. By the way, did you tell your mum that I treated her?"

"Yes," Liu Kan nodded without any intention of hiding anything, "Not only that, but my mother thought about it for a long time after hearing it. Then, she let me join you today."

Ye Yan was shocked again, "What's going on? Shouldn't your mother be forcing you to study? Why did she allow you to cultivate?"

Speaking of this, Liu Kan smiled in embarrassment, "My mother is a practical person. After being possessed by evil once and learning about how you cured her, she told me that everything should be left to fate. Whether to cultivate or to study is up to me."

Ye Yan couldn't help but admire Mrs. Liu's open-minded attitude. True, it wasn't a big deal to pass the imperial examination. After all, one would still have to scheme in court. In contrast, celestial cultivation was more practical. It was better to cultivate oneself and obtain the freedom to experience the true colors of life.

Looking at Liu Kan's expression, Ye Yan could feel that his face was full of vitality and anticipation even in the dark. Thinking of his aptitude on the panel, Ye Yan's expression suddenly become complicated, "Tell me, are you very interested in cultivation?"

Liu Kan nodded his head repeatedly like a chicken pecking at rice, "That's right, my wish is to help the world and save the people. Being an official might not necessarily bring benefits to the people, but once I become a celestial, I can fulfill the expectations of the people."

Clang! Liu Kan's words pierced Ye Yan's heart like a needle. He suddenly found that this young man's heart was so sincere that he could have such thoughts that were like a ray of light in this dark era.

"Truly, those who are willing to give are those who will get the most returns..." Ye Yan suddenly had a kind of admiration for Liu Kan in his heart.

At this moment, the door suddenly opened and Mrs. Liu walked in, "Xiaoyan, it's getting late. Do eat here before you leave!"

Hmm? Ye Yan was stunned and looked outside. The next moment, he jumped, "Oh no, I'm late again. My dad is going to beat the crap out of me!"

While speaking, Ye Yan's figure moved quickly and went straight to the door, leaving a sentence before disappearing, "Kan, let's meet at the foot of the mountain at sunrise tomorrow!"


The next day. It was still the same. Ye Yan was kicked out of the house by Ye Dahai before dawn, which made him particularly unhappy when he saw Ye Wen walking out unhurriedly.

The three of them washed up with lake salt in the courtyard. Lake salt was similar to modern toothpaste, but it was much less effective. It was impossible to get a set of white teeth with it. While he was looking at his face, Ye Yan had a flash of inspiration, and he cast Impurity Removal on his teeth.

"Dad, big brother, do you think my teeth are white?"

Ye Dahai turned around and saw Ye Yan's white teeth. He exclaimed, "Wow, you're pretty good. Did you use the Impurity Removal spell? Quickly cast one on me too!"

Seeing that his dad saw through his technique at a glance, Ye Yan chuckled and cast two spells. In an instant, Ye Wen and Ye Dahai's teeth were so clean they shone.

"Ha!" Ye Wen looked at his reflection in the water and was surprised by his white teeth, "This is amazing. I have to hurry up and cultivate to learn this spell!"

The two had their thoughts. As for Ye Yan, looking at his happy father and brother, an idea came to his mind, "Have I found a business opportunity?"

The sect was currently in need of funds. Now, everyone cultivated during the day and went home at night. However, after the sect grew, they couldn't be like this anymore. If people from all over the world came, he couldn't just ask them to go back home every day, right?

Therefore, at that time, the sect would need to have all kinds of living resources, which would require a large number of funds. It was unrealistic to do business since the God-slaying Sect had no capital at all.

However, with these practical spells, it was different. Why couldn't he use Impurity Removal to start a cleaning business? No one had realized that a profiteer had thus been born.

At the foot of the mountain. Liu Kan frowned as he looked into the distance. He seemed to see a figure rapidly approaching. The speed was so fast that he could barely keep his eyes fixed. It was too fast! He had never seen such a swift person!