Storage Bag

Ye Yan hadn't checked the item synthesis function since he obtained it. It had been left to gather dust.

Since the people in the sect were all cultivators, it would be weird if they didn't have some magic tools on them. Ye Yan planned to try making storage bags for them.

Since the system said that this function could be used to synthesize anything, there must be something special about it. It should be easy to synthesize a storage bag. Ye Yan opened the synthesis function, and the system interface this time surprised him.

There weren't the usual familiar grids, only a big jar-like hole in the middle for Ye Yan to put things in. Ye Yan was stunned. The hole didn't show what he had to throw in, so how was he supposed to synthesize?

He looked around but didn't find anything suitable. Then he slowly looked down until he saw his belt. Should he try?

Ye Yan thought to himself, "Since the storage bag is a bag, it should be made from leather for it to be solid, right?"

His belt wasn't of very good quality, but the material was better than all his clothes, and it was made of many materials too.

Ye Yan removed his belt and laid it flat, finding that it was more than 30 centimeters long, which was enough. Without hesitation, he threw his belt into the hole and sat quietly, waiting for the result. Silence! A minute passed, and there was no response.

"Is it still not enough?" Ye Yan scratched his head, recalling the previous times he synthesized other things.

There was one thing in common between the synthesis of Dharmic techniques and spells. Not only did it require ordinary items but also some special items.

Ye Yan put in spirit stones when he synthesized the spiritual farmland and spells, while he had put in branches of the root willow while synthesizing the Dharmic technique. Things like the spirit stone should be able to make ordinary items extraordinary and act as a catalyst during the synthesis.

Both items were spiritual items. In that case, the catalyst to synthesize items should be spiritual power or special items with spiritual power.

That's easy, then. Ye Yan's mood immediately became brightened up. As of now, he lacked everything except for spiritual power. At the first level of the intermediate Qi-forging Realm, he had quite a lot of spiritual power. He should be able to directly infuse the item with his spiritual power, right?

Ye Yan immersed himself in it without any hesitation and his aura burst out in an instant, constantly sending his spiritual power into the jar. At the same time, ideas about the function of the storage bag flashed through his mind one after another.

During the previous syntheses, whether it was synthesizing a Dharmic technique or a spell, all of them required an original idea to synthesize something that met one's expectations. Thinking that it was about time, Ye Yan stopped sending his spiritual power and stopped thinking about ideas as well.

[Ding! The material input has been completed. Do you wish to start synthesizing items?]

Almost at the same time, the system's voice sounded. Ye Yan pressed "confirm".

[Begin synthesis.]

The clanging sound of metal collision sounded once again, from dense to sparse. When the sound disappeared, several white lights appeared in front of Ye Yan.

[Item: Storage bag successfully synthesized!]

The white light dispersed, and a cloth bag appeared in front of Ye Yan. Ye Yan picked it up and looked at it carefully. The material was still the same as his belt, but it looked very old as if it would break at any time.

He pulled hard, but to his surprise, the cloth bag was not torn. Rather, it bounced back after being slightly enlarged. Not bad, it was very elastic.

However, the appearance of the cloth bag was truly unremarkable. It was tattered and khaki. It didn't look like a magic tool at all.

Ye Yan decided to give it a try. He picked up a stone that seemed to be bigger than the bag and threw it in. The stone slid into the bag immediately.

It worked! He was overjoyed. He quickly broke a bigger and thicker branch from the tree beside him and stuffed it in. Smooth! There was no obstruction at all!

The size of the branch was several times larger than the bag. It was now clear that it was indeed a storage bag. However, he didn't know how much it could hold, so he continued to throw stones into it to test it out.

Next, Ye Yan kept putting stones into the bag to test its capacity. Who would have thought that he managed to throw another six stones in? Plus the stone and the branch he had thrown in before all this, the items within combined were already half his size.

The cloth bag with so many things was still as light as nothing in Ye Yan's hand. He couldn't feel how heavy the things were inside at all! He weighed it in his hand and thought about it. The area of items combined seemed to be the size of his belt.

In other words, the storage bag didn't really ignore the laws of space but worked similarly to the principle of compression. The space it could hold was equal to the volume of the material it was made of.

At this time, the people in the house decided to come out for some air during their free time in cultivation and were ready to dig for mud. However, the moment they came out, they saw a scene that made their jaws drop.

Ye Yan was actually sitting under a willow tree, giggling at a broken cloth bag! If one looked closely, one could see the undetectable drool at the corner of his mouth. Who knew what he was thinking? Some of them even noticed that the belt on Ye Yan's pants seemed to have disappeared.

"This... This isn't right?" Ye Wen was stunned, "Little brother, where's your belt? "

He seemed to remember that his little brother had a belt on when he went out. Ye Yan didn't answer him, but waved at them instead, "Come over quickly, I'll show you a big treasure!"

Everyone was very confused about Ye Yan's inexplicable action, but they still walked over. Ye Yan didn't say anything. When the others came to him, he showed them the storage bag, then reached into it and took out a head-sized stone.

"Huh?" When everyone saw this, they were shocked.

Before they could react, Ye Yan took out another stone, and another, three pieces now... A total of six stones! When Ye Yan finally took out a huge branch from the bag, Chen Geng and the boys were at a loss for words.

"This...," Zhang You had yet to come to his sense, "Brother Yan, is this some kind of spell?"

"Brother Yan, did the Supreme senior give this to you as well?" Liu Yi asked.

The others cast a questioning look at Ye Yan. They also wanted to know what was going on.

Ye Yan shook his head, then nodded, looking at Chen Geng, "Brother, I'll have to trouble you, but please untie your belt and give it to me."

Chen Geng didn't know what was going on, but he still took it off obediently. Then, he pulled up his pants awkwardly and leaned against the root willow with a slightly flushed face. After getting the belt, Ye Yan signaled everyone to look carefully, then he tore it and threw it into the air.

"Ha!" He pretended to shout a spell while activating the system and putting the belt into the item synthesis hole.

Everyone only felt a blur in front of their eyes, and the pieces of the belt that had been floating in the air just now had all disappeared! Ye Yan put them all into the jar. After waiting for half a minute, another storage bag appeared in his hand.

"Hey! Did you guys see that? Another one suddenly appeared in Brother Yan's hand!"

"How magical! Brother Yan, what's going on?"

"Look, the color of this cloth bag..."

It was unknown who had mentioned it, but when everyone looked at the cloth bag, they found that its color was exactly the same as Chen Geng's belt!

"Here, I made it from your belt, so I'll give it to you. Try it yourself!" Ye Yan looked at Chen Geng and threw the bag at him.

The latter quickly caught it, carefully picked up a head-sized stone, and stuffed it into the bag

"Eh? It does work!" Chen Geng's jaw dropped when he saw how magical it was. He held the bag and refused to let go, muttering that he would worship it.

This time, the crowd couldn't hold it in any longer.

Zhang You was the first to shout, "Brother Yan, I want one too. Make one for me!"