One Each

As soon as Zhang You finished his words, Ye Yan saw the belt that he handed to him. God knows when the other party untied it.

"Alright," Ye Yan took the belt and did the same as he had just now, making a new storage bag quickly and handing it to Zhang You. As soon as the boy got the bag, he became excited. He pulled his pants while hugging the bag, then went to the side to have fun with Chen Geng.

The rest of the people were also eager to try when they saw how happy the two were. However, it didn't seem an easy thing to just unbuckle and give up their belts, so they hesitated.

When Liu Kan saw the expressions of the people around him, he knew that they were just like him. All of them had a strong desire for the cloth bag, but none of them wanted to do something as gentlemanly as unbuckling their belts.

As such, he said, "I'll pass now. I'll go down the mountain in the afternoon. I have a lot of fabric at home, so I'll bring some for you guys too!"

As expected from someone from a rich family. His words were so different. The moment he spoke, he offered to provide the fabric that everyone needed. Although the crowd was surprised by Liu Kan's generosity, they did not agree to it immediately. After all, that was too embarrassing.

The latter could see everyone's desire, so he decided, "Deal. I'll bring the fabric along in the afternoon."

Seeing Liu Kan's decisiveness and determination, everyone could not bear to reject his generosity, so they thanked him and agreed.

The person who was most grateful to Liu Kan was Liu Yi. After all, his family was in a difficult situation, and he only had two belts. He usually cherished them a lot, so how could he bear to use them for other uses? However, he had also yearned for a storage bag. Fortunately, Liu Kan offered to help. He immediately expressed his gratitude to Liu Kan.


As noon approached, everyone stopped their cultivation and went to the mouth of the spring under Ye Yan's lead, starting to dig.

After arriving at the place, Ye Yan, Chen Geng, and Zhang You twisted the dried stalks of wild rice into ropes and tied them to their waists in replacement of their belts.

With the previous day's digging experience, they were much faster this time. They dug a day's worth of soil before noon, then Ye Yan waved his hand and put them into the internal storage. The group then returned to the sect to rest and eat. As for Liu Kan, he hurried down the mountain to go home to get fabrics.

After the fabrics were brought over, Ye Yan made four storage bags. One of them used up a lot of cloth, so its capacity was much larger than the others. This was naturally given to Liu Kan. After all, he was the one who provided the fabric. Ye Wen, Liu Yi, and Hong En split the remaining three.

The whole afternoon was spent in cultivation, while Ye Yan continued to slack around under the root willow in the spiritual farmland. The afternoon passed by in a flash.

Before they left, Ye Yan gathered everyone, it was time to assign tasks to each of them, "The thing is, I've given each of you positions in the sect. Listen carefully..."

Ye Yan announced everyone's position in the sect. Everyone was very happy to hear that they were each an elder, except for Liu Yi and Xiao Bai.

"Don't be sad, you two. Everyone has their own role to play. Our sect only needs these few positions for now. In the future, when there are new fields, you will be considered first."

Then, he said the same thing to Xiao Bai with the Beast Language.

When Liu Kan heard this, he immediately smiled and said, "Alright, Brother Yan, I won't let you down!"

Xiao Bai also clapped its paws, looking very happy.

"Well, that's about it," Ye Yan continued, "You guys can cultivate by yourself tomorrow. I'm going to the market with my father to earn some funds for our sect."

"Earn money?" Liu Kan raised his doubts, "Brother Yan, if I'm not mistaken, you don't have much capital, do you?"

Ye Yan smiled mysteriously, showing his white teeth, "How can I not have any? I can just use this! Tomorrow, I'll just bring some common bamboo salt and flour at home and tell people that this can clean teeth. Then, I'll help them clean their teeth on the spot. Who wouldn't be interested?"

Chen Geng took a sharp breath, sighing at Ye Yan's shrewdness, "That's right, who doesn't want to have a mouth full of white teeth? If it were me, I would definitely pay for it too!"

Everyone agreed with Ye Yan's idea. After all, the effect of the Impurity Removal spell was really strong. No one would refuse to have their teeth cleaned.

"Speaking of which, I haven't even learned the first level of the Vast SkyTechnique, so I can't use the Impurity Removal Technique yet," Chen Geng scratched his head in embarrassment.

Liu Kan's eyes lit up when he heard that. He felt an eagerness in his heart and quickly said, "Yan, give me a copy of the Vast Sky Technique too. I want to learn it."

Hearing this, Ye Yan suddenly remembered that Liu Kan and Liu Yi had already broken through to the first level of the beginner Qi-forging Realm, so he took out a few copies of the Vast Sky Technique, Beast Language, and the new Soul-suppressing Technique that he bought last night, giving them to the others. He had even given a copy of each book to those who had not broken through yet.

"Here, I've given you all the spells. Those of you who haven't broken through to the Qi-forging Realm, continue cultivating. Those o you who have can start cultivating the spells."

After saying this, Ye Yan turned to Hong En, "En, as our sect's Treasury Elder, you'll come with me tomorrow."

"Yes!" Hong En agreed without hesitation, his eyes filled with light.

Finally, Ye Yan told them about the things to pay attention to during cultivation, "Remember, don't be too hasty in your cultivation. Take it one step at a time. Only by raising your cultivation level can it be easier to cultivate. Otherwise, everything you do will be for naught."

After everything was settled, everyone left Xiao Bai in the sect and went home. After they parted, Liu Yi rushed home. He was still worried about his mother and Liu Qian's condition.

As soon as he entered the room, he saw Widow Liu sitting on the edge of Liu Qian's bed with a sad face. Upon seeing her son return, Widow Liu forced herself to be more upbeat. She forced a smile and said, "Xiao Yi, you're back."

"I'm back," Liu Yi washed his face in a hurry and walked to Liu Qian's bed, "How's my sister?"

"Still having a fever! Our family's savings can only afford one dose of medicine, but it seems to be ineffective after Xiao Qian took it. I don't know what to do. The doctor told me that if the fever doesn't go down by tomorrow, the condition will turn serious. Your sister is so young. With this illness, I'm very worried about her..."

Liu Yi listened to his mother's complaints and stood to the side in silence. Even he was helpless. After all, he was only eight years old. No matter how mature he was for his age, he couldn't do anything. He could only silently watch his sister suffer and feel heartache about it


In the Ye family, as soon as Ye Yan and Ye Wen entered the door, they immediately felt that the atmosphere wasn't right. Goosebumps rose. Ye Yan raised his head, Oh, his dad was staring at him! He was done for! His eldest brother, Ye Wen, saw that something was wrong and knew why. But he simply chuckled at his younger brother's impending disaster and walked to the dining table.

"Dad, don't look at me like that. What's wrong? Umm..."