Chapter 17

Kanae: they even want to do this even in this situation

Kira: now you see they are a bunch of idiots in two days tiger zombie will come to start or even ghost zombie and this first-level iron fighter can only fight to silver rank one on one

Kanae: that means their power will reach our level in two days

lin: not actually iron fighter can consider as a weapon which is broken, power is also gone but our is internal which will only leave at death besides they are all arrogant to think they can handle with iron fighters even they make them and use this will make not good and in my opinion, first level zombie only fight against gold with element with a team of 50 then even they will take out with causality and now you guys at bronze level take down gold level with a group of ten even today you will be silver and in under us will be cross at least half threshold to half silver or reach silver I two days by only hunting and you ten will be in gold level at that time

Kira: yea we will be ahead of them always

Kanae: yes we will be

lin: we will be a lot as the time goes our hunting increases with changing phase our power will be going to god levels and with the killing and zombie you will only reach lord level and they have to use these iron fighters will be able to a held tiger and ghost level up to after that they need to change into an elemental fight like us but they do not have spells and do not know anything how to increase power and use talent and second talent which can be awakened also how to maintain levels that will take time

Kira: you mean we can awake the second talent

lin: yes you guys also when you reach gold you will get free energy which we can incline toward any element this incline will be affected by our will if this incline goes toward the same element your talent will increase and the same spell damage will also increase and growth will be fast when you cross-tier 9 spells you can go toward the second element after becoming ghost level then it will not hinder growth

as second element will also be tier 9 level at that time

Kanae: it's a good way to fast and efficiently our kingdom will be perfect

lin: yes it will be always

in virtual all country perspectives are telling their design which ended and now level of zombies will comes

America: how we control areas first any suggestion

Russia: we think we use nuclear missiles on that places where new zombies will appear

China: our is the same idea we use nuclear power now unless zombie comes which cannot be killed by the nuclear level at that time

America: okay then all vote who agreed we need to use nuclear power against zombies

as all of the the country agreed on this